The created Kenes Rakishev analog of Uber buy for $200 million

@AIS (Hakasija)
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last year company Juno became one of the most startups in the field of mobile applications for a taxi. The businessman Kenes Rakishev — one of those who invested in it development.

About a year ago the New York startup Juno attracted with

$25 million investments. Among investors — company Singulariteam. It the founder of the Mobli appendix Moshe Hogeg and Kenes Rakishev, the venture investor, the chairman boards of directors the Kazakhstan banks Qazkom and the Russian JOINT-STOCK COMPANY KB "MOSKOMMERTSBANK" own.

As are reported by the edition , on Thursday, April 26 it became known that Internet aggregator orders of a taxi of Gett buys the Juno project for $200 million. About it it is spoken in the official statement of Gett. Details of the transaction are not opened yet, but is declared that on its conditions, into Gett will pass not only drivers of Juno, but also other employees, including founders of companies. It is also known that the buyer has necessary means. To the present moment of Gett attracted $513 million investments (among which $300 million – money from Volkswagen, received in May, 2016). In total for a year of existence of Juno increased such client base that as a result of its absorption Gett will take the 2nd place in the world market after Uber.

Vayzer David, the founder and director general Gett, notes that in the first quarter 2017 of Gett grew by 100% from the point of view of both complete trips, and a revenue.

of Juno and Gett — the most fast-growing companies the market of taxi-applications

of Juno positions itself as alternative of Uber, and more friendly to drivers. Juno offers more favorable financial conditions of partnership — company raises all the 10 percent commission for a trip. At this Juno gives the chance to drivers of acquisition of the actions — 50% of actions of companies are reserved for them.

In March, 2016 the portal of Techcrunch reported that Juno intends to attract $30 million investments and considers the relevant proposals.

That to the buyer, companies Gett, is known that its own appendix is available approximately in 100 cities United Kingdom, Russian Federation and Israel. That to United States of America, Gett, as well as Juno while work only in New York.

Other investments Kenes Rakishev

Besides investments in Juno, Kenes Rakishev is the co-founder of companies Sirin Labs. It is known for smartphone release with the increased protection of Sirin Labs Solarin on the basis of Google Android in which development experts on information security took part. The smartphone possesses 256-bit AES enciphering which is activated by simple pressing of a key. Rakishev invested $72 million in development of the device Kenes Rakishev

according to Crunchbase portal, in recent years Kenes Rakishev also enclosed $87,7 million in the hi-tech projects TriPlay, IQcard, Fastlane Ventures, mobli, TriPlay, Net Element Int, Radio Runt Inc.