Teachers from Mexico, China and Vietnam shared experience with citizens of Kazan

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the International conference took place at Institute of additional professional education of experts of the sociocultural sphere.

(Kazan, on April 25, "Tatar inform"). At Institute of additional professional education (professional development) of experts of the sociocultural sphere and art the III International scientific and practical conference "Additional Professional Education as Strategic Resource of Cultural Development of Regions" took place. The press service reported Ministry cultures of RT.

more than 50 experts took part In work of conference. Plenary session consisted of four reports: "Rural music education as a didactic phenomenon" (Maklygin Alexander), "Creativity as a binding pattern of modernization of system of additional professional education" (Redin Leo), "A vector of formation of professional values of the modern librarian" (Borodina Svetlana and Gaptravanova Lydia), " in activity of the teacher-musician" (Khadeeva Helena). As reported in the press service, performances caused brisk and substantial discussion.

Work of conference was conducted by

in two main directions: "Cultural identity to modern Russian Federation: search of new models" and "The sociocultural capacity of system of additional education in society modernization" within which the section meetings of the same name took place.

Conference foreign guests from Mexico visited, China and Vietnam. The Mexican of Alejandra Caletti (Cuernavaca) told about a mariachi genre in a context of musical culture, the Chinese of Liwen Zhang () together with Goptarev Vladimir told Chengdu: features of its formation and development.


Innovative (research) training as the factor increasing quality education in the report was presented by the teacher of the Vietnamese university Pham Tien Trong (Tuyên Quang). Questions of objective estimation of knowledge as necessary condition of improvement of process of training described in the report the teacher of industrial university Ha ThiNha Phuong (Province of Phu Tho) and the teacher of technological university Vietnam Tran Y Doan Trang (Danane).

Following the results of conference plan the edition of the collection of scientific works. Materials of publications will be published on the website of Scientific electronic library http://elibrary .ru that means their indexation in scientometric base of RISC (Russian Index of Scientific Citing).

Maklygin Alexander
Redin Leo
Borodina Svetlana
Gaptravanova Lydia
Khadeeva Helena
Ministry cultures of RT
Government Agency