To Ryazan region cook the Italian cheeses and grow up hens with black meat

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    The agriculture develops every year in Ryazan region. We observe how there are large-scale automated enterprises. But small farms where honor traditions of ancestors continue to remain a basis of all, put heart and soul and care of at each production phase. Such farms were visited by regional journalists on Friday, April 24, within the press tour organized by Ministry Selskoye economy and food Ryazan region.

    "Honest farm"

    the First place where we got acquainted with a farmer life, became "An honest farm" in Spassky rayon.

    the Family Khvan Marina arrived to Spassky rayon in 2009 from Republic of North Ossetia–Alania. Then friends presented to them the first calf who became the beginning of big business.

    – At me parents in the Caucasus were engaged in cultivation of water-melons, onions, and so that in animal husbandry – no. We when here arrived, friends to us presented a calf. We at all did not know with what to begin, and in a week friends brought nine more rams. Here we mudflows also started thinking that with them to do how to cut. For a start decided that they need to build the shelter, – the hostess of a farm Khvan Marina told.

    Since then the family started being engaged in cattle cultivation, a bird. On process of the farmer activity were gathered by experience, tried new, experimented. Officially PEASANT FARM HOLDING registered only 4 years ago. Now lands in property of 2 hectares, the administration Spassky rayon provides 7 more hectares in rent where the family breeds a bird and rabbits, grows up for own using.

    the production farmers realize

    under a brand "An honest farm" that very much drew attention of participants of a press tour. The hostess had at once an explanation for such name.

    – In due time I was related to "the Danilovsky market". There, communicating with farmers, it appeared that it not their bird. It became offensive for me, after all children who make, have to sell. It is honest. I go everywhere, with pleasure I tell about production. Without it in any way, – the hostess told.

    at the time of our communication with the farmer, in economy was the first supply of a bird. "The honest farm" grows up broiler and black golosheyny chickens, guinea fowls, geese, the ducks, different breeds of turkey-cocks. The first supply, according to the hostess of a farm, made about 1,5 thousand birds. Such supplies happen few times in a week. After sagination a bird slaughter on own official slaughter directly on a farm. Realize production generally in Moscow and Moscow region.

    – For Ryazan our production too expensive if to put everything: the electric power, labor, the contents, farmer chicken cannot cost 100 rubles for kg. And it is necessary after all to earn something that then to invest part, – Khvan Marina explains.

    of Constant number of workers on a farm is not present. Everything depends on a season. Now 3 persons work, is closer to summer of workers usually to 20 people. According to the hostess of a farm, the significant help proceeds from a family and friends. Do not plan to expand economy.

    – Indefinitely cannot extend. It will be reflected in quality. We want to grow up honest, correct, environmentally friendly production. When you personally are responsible for everything, then it works if is not present, it will turn out nothing, – the woman explains.

    according to the hostess, everything that is now on a farm, is constructed by the hands. Helped a family and close friends. And among neighbors farmers there was small "a friendly cooperative".

    Patriots Spassky rayon

    In Panino's village Spassky rayon us were met by Victor Nikolaev, operating livestock PEASANT FARM HOLDING.

    He was born

    and grew in Spassky rayon, after leaving school of 25 years served, as obliges often changed a residence. Having retired, returned the small home. Itself calls "the patriot of the Spassky area".

    the Idea to go in for agriculture to Victor Nikolaev and to his partner came in 2013.

    – to us suggested to go in for animal husbandry, to be exact – sagination of bull-calves. Decided to try, year worked, but were not happy with result. Considered that it will be more favorable to go in for dairy animal husbandry, – the managing director of a farm told.

    In a year of collaboration partners were divided by

    : the companion was engaged in hay preparation, and Victor Nikolaev with the wife Svetlana leased a farm and started being engaged in production.

    In economy now 70 milk cows, and also calfs and telka. At the disposal of a farm of 220 hectares of the earth on which in a warm season graze cows and prepare hay. According to the managing director, it is planned to increase the area of a pasture.

    – In our plans not to stop that the livestock increased. On 20 heads for this year at us a gain. We plan so every year, – Victor Nikolaev told.

    Thanks to grants and support of administration in economy manage to update equipment.

    At present in farm using four tractors, one of them the press, a rake and many other things is bought

    on a grant, and also. According to the managing director in order that to prepare enough of hay of equipment suffices. On a farm it is a little workers, part from them locals, part foreign workers.

    Production realize to Ryazan region. The part goes to dairy shop in Murmino, work and with individuals, in the summer when having bothered usually more, send to Starozhilovo.

    – In work everything arranges if did not arrange, likely, would not be engaged. We generally hope for the forces, but also unaided from administration we do not manage. We cooperate with the local agricultural enterprises, for example, LLC "Razberdeevskoe", grain we buy from them. We impart experience, we consult on other farmers, – Victor Nikolaev explained.

    Family traditions

    In Korostovo's village Ryazan district us were met by Kryuchkova Helena, the owner of personal subsidiary farm which is engaged in .

    Production in their family are a long-term tradition. For such guests as we, in economy are the whole stand with the photos reflecting history and work of several generations of a family.

    – Everything began with our parents who already are not present with us. Gratitude to them big that they accustomed us to work, honesty and gratitude, – the hostess remembers.

    memories of ancestors make thrifty use of family traditions, Here. Kryuchkova Helena told us about the first cow in economy who appeared at them 45 years ago. Many entertaining stories are connected with it, and cows Medical uni remember in

    But, by words Kryuchkova Helena to be engaged in production was rather a compulsory measure.

    – Earlier we thought, unless we will be sometime engaged dairy produktion? Yes never. After all there was all: housing, work. But came time when there was nothing to eat, you will not find work. Parents in the village helped out. Mother will make a tvorozhok, we will go to the market and we will sell it. Thanks to it lived, – she tells.

    at that moment business of parents became business of several more family generations.

    Now Kryuchkova Helena with the sister and the niece and her realization are engaged in

    in production. are engaged in the maintenance of cows and deliveries neighbors.

    – the Girlfriend Lidiya is engaged in cattle, and we production because it is impossible to be engaged in one farmstead and cultivation and production production since is very susceptible to smells, – the hostess explains.

    In the village, thanks to sisters to Kryuchkova Helena and Tatyana, formed the whole cooperative of seven families.


    according to the hostess, over time it became interesting not only with cottage cheese to make sour cream, and still something. At present the economy makes 41 names . Among them oil, sour cream, cottage cheese, various yogurts, cheeses which they sold at the Moscow fairs.

    – Began with adygeevsky cheese. But the soul was not on a place. Georgians trade at them stuff and such tastiness! Then we with them made friends, and they taught to do us suluguni, cheese rolls with a tvorozhenny stuffing, then with ricotta, – Kryuchkova Helena told.

    – Per day to us it is necessary for

    that hours 30 was. Then to us on all the time will suffice, it will suit us, – Kryuchkova Helena jokes.

    the Main principle of work in economy - to do to

    everything with soul, without preservatives, razmyagchitely and it is obligatory manually.

    Now to go on the Moscow fairs there is no need, the exclusive are sorted by neighbors, and at the Ryazan fairs big turns are built. In a family consider that only at such fairs it is possible to buy natural therefore exactly there they and sell the production.

    Stikhareva Valeria