In the village Shelkovskaya of Chechen Republic the new temple is put

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In the village Shelkovskaya of the Chechen Republic the new temple is put

on April 22, 2017, on Saturday of the Light sedmitsa, the bishop Makhachkalinsky and the Grozny Varlaam arrived to the village Shelkovskaya of Chechen Republic. In the temple in honor of St. vmts. Barbarians the ruling bishop headed the Divine liturgy.

his Preosvyashchenstva served the secretary of the Makhachkala diocese celibate priest Ioann (Anisimov), decent the Naursky church district the celibate priest Ambrose (Marchenko), decent the Grozny church district the priest Abasov Sergy, the prior of the temple St. vmts. Barbarians in Shelkovskaya the priest Kovalenko Sergy, clergymen Makhachkala.

Upon completion of church service believers passed

religious procession from old stanitsa church to a place of construction of the new temple where the bishop Varlaam made molebny singing with a rank of consecration of a mortgage stone in the temple basis in honor of St. vmts. Barbarians.

At a ceremony there were the adviser Glavy of ChR Martynov Danil, the president NATIONAL ASSOCIATION LUMBERMEN "RUSSKY LES" the patron Kurgin Timofey, the minister of national policy, external relations, the press and ChR Umarov Dzhambulat, the vice-chairman Parlament CHR Zhamaldaev Shaid, the minister of construction and Household management company ChR Zaypullaev Muslim, the Minister of Transport and ChR Cherkhigov Ramzan, the head of administration Shelkovskaya district ChR Khadzhiev Khamid, the head of administration Naurskaya district ChR Kashlyunov Dimitri, the ataman of Tersko-Sunzhensky district Cossack society TKV Reunov Georgy, the chief of OMVD Russian Federation on Shelkovskaya district ChR Geremeev Rustam, the prosecutor Shelkovskaya district ChR Yasuev Rustam, the assistant to head of ChR Geremeev Vakha, the head of regional office of "United Russia" Party Zaynalabdiev Walid, the ataman of Kizlyar special border district Cossack society of Tersky army Cossack society Ivanov Valentine, the assistant to the plenipotentiary of chapter Republic of Dagestan Magomedov Magomed.

"Opening of the new temple — this great sign for all of us. We know that on the Chechen earth are under construction both mosques, and temples, and all people can freely pray to the Father Heavenly" — the bishop Varlaam told in the word after molebny singing.

"It is significant that the new temple is put one year prior to the 300 anniversary from the date of the village basis" — the adviser to head of ChR Martynov Danil emphasized in the performance.

On behalf of the head of ChR Ramzan Kadyrov to the bishop Varlaam the ark with a particle of relics of the Saint great martyr Varvara was donated


Further with welcome speech Kurgin Timofey. "My great-grandfather was the tersky Cossack, and I hope when this temple will be erected, I will be able to bring the children and to show them this earth. Low to you bow that you could keep here orthodox belief" — the patron told.

the Minister Umarov Dzhambulat also expressed to

pleasure concerning construction of the new church building, having emphasized that in this way Russian Federation proves to the whole world that its strongest weapon — unity and a brotherhood of the people living here.

Also heads of areas addressed to the gathered Khadzhiev Khamid and Kashlyunov Dimitri.

the Ceremony came to the end with a festive meal.

Makhachkala diocese / of Patriarkhiya.Ru

Ramzan Kadyrov
Last position: Governor of Chechnya (President of the Republic of Chechen)
Muslim Magomed-Yaragievich Zaypullaev
Ramzan Sayd-Emievich Cherkhigov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Transport and Communication of the Chechen Republic)
Khamid Khadzhiev
Last position: Head of administration (Administration of the municipal district of Shelkovsk of the Chechen Republic)
Magomed Magomedov
Main activity:Businessman
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
Parlament CHR
Government Agency