8 years in slavery were spent by the inhabitant of Petropavlovsk

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8 years in slavery were spent by the inhabitant of Petropavlovsk

Pryadkin Victor, worked 8 years on farmer economy in bondage, reports Sputnik.

Native looked for it since 2008 and did not hope any more to see. It left the house after family quarrel, took the train and did not return. After long and desperate attempts to find the brother, the sister Pryadkin Victor Novoselova Nadezhda received a note with phone number. Having called, she learned that the brother works in bondage in Almaty Region.

the Woman went to the specified village, found this farm and asked the owner about a meeting with Pryadkin Victor. They managed to meet. Men accompanying petropavlovets said that he's fine: meat eats, met the woman. And at their presence Pryadkin Victor confirmed all this. Here only the look did not convince his Novoselova Nadezhda

Having returned to Petropavlovsk, Novoselova Nadezhda addressed in police. The chief of DVD North Kazakhstan Region Bilyalov Berik began searches. Soon police officers returned Pryadkin Victor and his new civil spouse home. Novoselova Nadezhda thanks police officers that the brother returned live and healthy.

Victor told

Pryadkin Victor

of the Photo: vestikavkaza.ru