More than 659 thousand rubles are collected from subjects of by Territorial body federal supervision service in Health care sphere on Irkutsk region

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on April 23, information agency "IrkutskMedia". From small, medium-sized enterprises and individual entrepreneurs following the results of the inspections which have been carried out in 2016 by Territorial body Federal supervision service in sphere of health care and social development (Roszdravnadzor) on Irkutsk region it is collected penalties for the sum more than 659 thousand rubles. 61 inspections were carried out: 16 planned and 45 — unplanned, 40 offenses are thus revealed. 48 more checks of subjects of small business were organized by Ministry of Health of the Irkutsk region from which: the unplanned — 35 checks, planned — 13). The sum of penalties made 164 thousand rubles. About it reported information agency "IrkutskMedia" in the press service of the business ombudsman Irkutsk region.

As the representative by the rights of businessmen in Irkutsk region Moskalenko Aleksey noted , the Territorial body of Roszdravnadzor carries out public discussions of the law-enforcement practice for dialogue forming with businessmen. He told that it is the positive moment which will allow to reduce number of violations of the legislation and carried-out inspections.

"Representatives of small business note growth of administrative loading from public authorities. In this regard establishment of dialogue which would allow to lower both number of violations of the legislation, and checks" is required — Moskalenko Aleksey noticed.

we Will remind

, more than the number of subjects of business activity decreased by 3 thousand to Irkutsk region in 2016 in comparison with 2015. Such information is provided in annual the report of the representative on protection of the rights of businessmen to Irkutsk region Moskalenko Aleksey. According to Rosstat data, in 2015 to Irkutsk region 90,5 thousand of small, medium-sized enterprises and individual entrepreneurs worked, in 2016 their number made 87,3 thousand.