The Mogilyov ensemble of a song and the dance "Medunitsa" goes on tour in Lebanon

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on April 19, Minsk / BELTA/Correspondent. The ensemble of a song and the dance "Medunitsa" of the Mogilyov regional philharmonic hall goes on tour in Lebanon, reported Belarusian cable agency "Belta" in Embassy of the Republic of Belarus in the Russian Federation to Syrie.

B Beirut the first concert of collective took place on April 18. The beauty and identity of the Belarusian culture were estimated by more than 200 viewers. Among them - representatives of the Belarusian diaspora, graduates of the Belarusian higher educational institutions. As guests of honor a concert ambassadors visited the governor of Beyrut, Armenia and Russian Federation.

the Lebanese public hotly accepted actors.

the Plenipotentiary Ambassador Belarus in Lebanon (in combination) Ponomarev Alexander addressed to guests of evening, having noted a great influence of numerous friends Belarus in Lebanon on strengthening of the relations.

After a concert "Medunitsa's" participants carried out a master class for amateur dancing staff Russian culture center.

In tour plans of ensemble - concerts in two large cities Lebanon.