In Japan it is decided to introduce automatic shops without sellers

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In Japan it is decided to introduce automatic shops without sellers

the Government coordinated with five directors of photography of networks of mini-supermarkets strategy on automation of shops of the country.

K 2025 Japan is going to open retail network self-services in which there will be no sellers. About it Kyodo reports.

Need for automatic shops appeared as work of sellers in the country everything becomes more expensive. But wishing to work in shop all the same does not suffice. The authorities decided to solve a problem by means of automation of shops and to introduction of robots.

On goods special chips with information which the cash register will read out automatically directly from a basket of the buyer will take place. This process as it is reported, takes about 10 seconds.

Then it will have to give out to the buyer delivery and the check. goods on packages for the buyer in such outlets will be engaged in laying the special robot.

the System was already tested by

in Prefecture of Osaka.


However on its total introduction will need time as while everything rests against need to reduce the price of electronic labels with information not to raise the price of goods and not to frighten off buyers.

For this purpose Ministry economy, trade and industry of Japan intends to give the state support to producers to achieve reduction in cost of chips due to their mass release. Introduction of automatic shops is connected by br with shortage of sellers in Japan, whose work is in the country of everything more expensive.