The American ships closely approached to North Korea

@Pervyj kanal
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Against more and more sharp statements from Washington D.C., maneuver of the American ships it is possible to treat, how readiness to apply in relation to North Korea force. Thus States want to prevent new nuclear tests which Pyongyang can carry out already tomorrow.

the Striking force of Naval Forces of United States of America led by "Carle Vinson's" nuclear aircraft carrier after a five-day battle march suited

on distance of aviation blow to North Korea. According to data of the American private prospecting company "Stratfor" which call still ''shadow CIA'' aircraft carrier group now is to the West from the Japanese island of Kyushu and goes through the Korea Strait to the water area of the Sea of Japan — to east coast North Korea.

Earlier the site of 38 North of Institute of United States of America and South Korea extended certain satellite pictures which allegedly specify that North Korea finishes preparations for possible new nuclear test. Having learned about similar threat, United States of America as it often happens recently, hastened to act on behalf of all international community.

"As for North Korea, we together with our international partners work discharging a situation. One is clear: to North Korea have to change the behavior. It is a common position of the international community", - the Minister of Defence of United States of America James Norman Mettis noted.

the Striking force of United States of America moves ahead everything further. That it is not simple to play desire muscles as if adding fuel to the fire, the American press claims also. TV channel "NBC News" with reference to the sources in investigation, report on air: United States of America are ready to strike a pre-emptive strike on North Korea.

before United States of America already notified the main ally in the region – Japan - that will strike military blow on North Korea if China does not force Pyongyang to curtail the nuclear missile program. The Kiodo agency informed circle in State department of the United States of America noted that there consider only two options: or Beijing strengthens pressure upon Pyongyang, or United States of America strike blow. Time is one diplomacy more lesser.

"North Korea — is a problem. And we will solve this problem. I so will tell: I think, China over it diligent works. Let's look as affairs will go. I consider that Xi Jinping will use the best efforts", - Donald Trump told.

if these efforts will not help

A? And United States of America only will provoke North Korea to aggressive actions?

" Donald Trump tells

what exactly North Korea complicates a situation, but all on the contrary, it not North Korea, and United States of America create problems. The staff of the Supreme command North Korea will carry out nuclear tests when will consider it necessary it and in that place which will consider necessary", - the deputy minister of foreign affairs declared North Korea to Khan Rel Son.

Use of the nuclear weapon can cause irreversible consequences. It understand and in next China, and in South Korea, and to Russian Federation. In committee on defense and safety Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation hoped earlier that actions of United States of America will not provoke North Korea to aggressive actions. North Korea borders on Primorsky territory. And when on the North Korean range nuclear tests, inhabitants of some areas Primorsky territory, being literally in 200 kilometers were carried out, speak even felt small tremors.

While the American armada — so the striking force designated in the White House, floats to coast of South Korea, in the most National Republic in the face of external threat show rare unity. Video footage from North Korea arrives very seldom, these from opening of the new residential district extended right now absolutely not casually.

"Construction of this quarter — the major event which shows a warm unification of party and the people, and also the potential of development of socialist South Korea. For our enemies it is more terrible, than explosions of hundreds nuclear bombs over their heads", - the prime minister declared North Korea Pak Pon Dzhu.

Opened in Pyongyang and some new supermarkets. However, while it is a little buyers. The choice of products, most likely, too is insignificant. Regiments with juice, nearby in packages frozen meat. Celebrations in North Korea are dated for the 105th anniversary since the birth of the founder of the country Kim Ir Sen, her mark out tomorrow. Earlier sources in South Korea and Japan claimed that have data on possible start-up by Pyongyang just this day of ballistic missiles and new nuclear ispytaniyakh.