The galaxy attracts. The deputy Ayupov Ferid was going to depart to space

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On the eve of Day of astronautics, on April 12, the deputy of ZSO and the Ulyanovsk businessman Ayupov Ferid gave interview to the Kazan edition "Business Online" and told that is going to become the Tatar astronaut first in the history.

Knows that Ayupov Ferid is going to go to space flight thanks to the organization of the extravagant billionaire Richard Charles Nikolas Brenson Virgin Galactic which seeks to become one of pioneers of space tourism among the private companies.

the Resident of Ulyanovsk told p to journalists that already began active physical preparation for flight. Collecting takes place in America.

Ayupov did not begin to Disclose the contract Ayupov Ferid, and the others — Muscovites. Among Russians of known people is not present, and here among applicants for flight in space from other countries there are, for example, venerable athletes, and also other people, which names very famous. So we were told", - Ayupov Ferid tells.

Ferid Ayupov
Last position: President (LLC group of companies "Simbirsky dom")
Richard Charles Nikolas Brenson
Last position: Founder (LLC "VIRDZHIN")
Virgin Galactic