11 questions will be considered by deputies at meeting of committee on social policy Magadan region region duma

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Magadan. information agency "Kolyma-inform". On April 13 at 11:00 in Magadan region region duma meeting of profile committee on social policy will take place. Deputies will discuss 11 questions:

1. About the bill Magadan region No. 404-6 "About modification of the Law Magadan region "About budget Tfoms Magadan oblast on 2017 and planning period 2018 and 2019" (the first reading).
the Subject of a legislative initiative – the governor Magadan region.
Speaker: Verny Alexander Abramovich, head of Territorial fund of obyazyatelny medical insurance Magadan region.

2. About the bill Magadan region No. 385-6 "About modification of the Law Magadan region "About investment of local governments with the state powers Magadan region on creation and the organization of activity of the commissions for affairs of minors and protection of their rights" (the first reading).
the Subject of a legislative initiative – the governor Magadan region.

Speaker: Shurkhno Angela - the minister of educations and youth policy Magadan region.

3. About the bill Magadan region No. 390-6 "About modification of the Law Magadan region "About education to Magadan region" (the first reading).
the Subject of a legislative initiative – the governor Magadan region.

Speaker: Shurkhno Angela - the minister of educations and youth policy Magadan region.

4. About the bill Magadan region No. 397-6 "About modification of the Law Magadan region "About single questions of social service of citizens to Magadan region" (the first reading).

the Subject of a legislative initiative – the governor Magadan region.
Speaker: Malyutina Tatyana - the minister of work and social policy Magadan region.

5. About the bill Magadan region No. 401-6 "About establishment of requirements to the contents and a format of extracts from information systems the bodies providing state services, directed to multipurpose center of providing the state and municipal services" (the first reading).
the Subject of a legislative initiative – the governor Magadan region.
Speaker: Prosin Alexander – the head of Department of property and land relations Magadan region.

6. About the bill Magadan region No. 402-6 "About modification of the Law Magadan region "About neglected animals in the territory Magadan region" (the first reading).
the Subject of a legislative initiative – the governor Magadan region.
Speaker: Shufer Marina - the vice-chairman of GOVERNMENT OF THE MAGADAN REGION - the minister of state and legal developments.

7. About the bill Magadan region No. 406-6 "About modification of article 1 of the Law Magadan region "About establishment of the persons having the right for reduced rates for electric and thermal energy (power), the heat carrier, the bases for granting privileges and an order of compensation of the dropping-out income warm, the electrosupplying organizations" (the first reading).
the Subject of a legislative initiative – the governor Magadan region.
Speaker: Varfolomeeva Inna , head of department of the prices and tariffs Magadan region.

8. About the draft of the federal law No. 118707-7 "About modification of separate acts Russian Federation regarding establishment of additional mechanisms of counteraction of the activity directed on motivation of children to suicide behavior".

the Subject of a law-making initiative - Committee on social policy Magadan region region duma.

Speaker-responsible consultant: Sokolov Vitaly Vasilyevna.

9. About the draft of the federal law No. on No. 105344-7 "About modification of the Federal law "About health protection of citizens from influence of a surrounding tobacco smoke and consequences of consumption of tobacco" (regarding regulation of a turn of bestabachny smoking products).

the Subject of a law-making initiative - Committee on social policy Magadan region region duma.

Speaker-responsible consultant: Sokolov Vitaly Vasilyevna.

10. About the draft of the federal law No. 107661-7 "About modification of Federal law of the Russian Federation of 29 December 2004 No. 188-FZ "On the Housing Code of the Russian Federation" (regarding a reorganization and (or) re-planning of non-residential premises in an apartment house)".

the Subject of a law-making initiative - Committee on social policy Magadan region region duma.

Speaker-responsible consultant: Sokolov Vitaly Vasilyevna.

11. About removal about controls the documents which are under consideration of committee on social policy Magadan region region duma.

Information Andrey Konstantinovich Zykov, chairman of committee on social policy Magadan region region duma.
11 questions will be considered by deputies at meeting of committee on social policy of the Magadan region duma
Inna Varfolomeeva
Angela Shurkhno
Last position: Minister (MINOBR OF THE MAGADAN REGION)
Alexander Prosin
Andrey Konstantinovich Zykov
Last position: Deputy (Magadan regional Council)
Verny Alexander Abramovich