Seaside children prepare for work and defense

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What available opportunities for sports activities is at children Primorsky territory? This subject was discussed by participants of the "Childhood in Pleasure without Danger" program on radio "Mediametrics. Vladivostok", reports Russian information agency "" to

Sports in Primorsky territory is developed and modern children have many opportunities to be engaged. Large role in ensuring availability of mass sports play school clubs for which development this year within a state program "Development of physical culture and sport Primorsky territory" are allocated a subsidy of 20 million rubles.

Also within the program this year are put funds for acquisition of a sports equipment and the equipment for sports nurseries and schools for children and young people of 44 million 460 thousand rubles, on professional development of experts in the physical culture and sports sphere – 3 million 525 thousand rubles, on the organization and holding mass sporting events – 2 million 300 thousand rubles. There are also other directions of state support, including development of system of sports and sports education "Is ready to work and defense". Such information was sounded by the director of REGIONAL STATE INDEPENDENT INSTITUTION "KSSH" Feoktistov Stanislas.

the Significant contribution to development of physical culture in Primorsky territory is activity of the public organizations which are engaged in promoting of a healthy lifestyle and sports. Thus registered public sports organizations can get financial support on the activity from the regional budget. So, for example, last year such help seven organizations from Vladivostok, Artem received, Ussuriysk, Spassk-Dalny and other municipalities Primorsky territory. to Give to

support to the socially oriented NPOs which are engaged in development of sports, are ready and in Department of physical culture and sport Primorsky territory, and in public advisory council on physical culture and sport development, and in "Yedinaya Rossiya" (United Russia). The Children's Sports coordinator of the project of Seaside office of "Yedinaya Rossiya" (United Russia), the member of public advisory council on development of physical culture and mass sports Ablapov Victor.

It noted that close interaction of bodies of the state power with sports associations both those sports leaders and trainers who work with children "on the earth", helps to solve quickly arising problems and more effectively to advance sports among younger generation Primorsky territory.

of the Detail of air watch in the "Childhood in Pleasure without Danger" program at radio "Mediametrics. Vladivostok".