Leading Belarusian athletes took part in the stock "Week of the Wood — 2017"

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Yulia Bichik
Bichik Julia / BELTA/Correspondent. Leading Belarusian athletes took part in the stock "Week of the Wood — 2017". Athletes and staff of NOC and Minsport planted saplings of trees in the Smolevichsky area, affected by elements in 2016, told to the correspondent Belarusian cable agency "Belta" in the press service of NOC Belarus.

"Not for the first time we work as p at wood restoration in the Smolevichsky area. The scale of elements strikes, and, of course, it is necessary to help. Together with our well-known athletes we try to bring a contribution in restoration of forest grounds", - the Olympic champion Dmitry of Dovgalenok.

V of the stock "Week of the Wood — 2017" noted more than 60 representatives of sports branch, among which Olympic champions Madzhidov Kamandar, Makarenko Sergei, prize-winners of Games Bichik Julia, Smolyakov Youri took part. Known athletes landed about 16 thousand saplings on the area of 4 ga.

Vice-president of NOC Nikolay Ananyev

Pavel Dalidovich - the athlete-instructor

Meropriyatiye is carried out under the auspices of forestry Ministry together with NOC Belarus and the sports and tourism Ministry. This action is devoted to restoration of the woods damaged by natural disasters in the summer of 2016 goda.

Deputy minister of sports and tourism Mikhail Portnoy

Sergey Makarenko - the Olympic champion

Photo of NOC of Belarus

Foto of Zhinkov Gennady.