The Altai scientists offered a way of diagnostics and a cancer therapy

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the Altai scientists offered a way of diagnostics and a cancer therapy
Unique development of scientists of the Altai state university on diagnostics and treatment of oncological diseases were among the best startups. The project of testers for early identification of a cancer left in a semi-final of the All-Russian competition "Open Innovations", and on creation of an antineoplastic preparation developers got grants.

- We work with div over these projects about one and a half years together with Novosibirsk scientific center of virology and biotechnology "Vector", - the director of the Russian-American anticarcinogenic center of ALTGU Shapoval Andrey told the correspondent of "RG". - As a basis took the peptide microchip developed at university State of Arizona (United States of America), and now in the Altai oncology center we make experiments on its use for cancer diagnostics at early stages. Besides, we conduct search of peptides which will be able to define antibodies in blood of cancer patients. So further we plan to refuse the American microchip and to synthesize such peptides. They also become a basis of onkotester.

a development Essence that the immune system of the person already at an early stage of development of a tumor starts developing antibodies to struggle with an illness. Artificial peptides have to distinguish these antibodies. And scientists plan to create a unique set of peptides testers for each form of a cancer." Further such system can be applied to diagnostics of autoimmune, allergic and any other diseases. After all the immune system reacts to each failure in an organism a certain set of antibodies", - Shapoval Andrey emphasized.

Specialists of the Russian-American anticarcinogenic center already selected necessary peptides for diagnostics of a cancer of a mammary gland and check their efficiency, testing analyses of patients of the Altai oncology center. The most effective synthesize. According to the graduate student of biological faculty of ALTGU Podlesnykh Stepan, representing this project at a regional stage of the competition "Open Innovations", artificial peptides as testers it will be possible to use even in house conditions.

on the basis of peptides the Altai scientists develop also a unique antineoplastic immunotherapeutic preparation.

- preparations Existing in the world on the basis of monoclonal antibodies of the road, are difficult in production and are not always effective, - Shapoval Andrey speaks. - We want to make more available and well-tried remedy. Why the human body cannot resist to a cancer? Because tumors create on the surface of a squirrel which do not allow immune cages them to destroy. We plan to pick up peptides which the proteins preventing to immunity to struggle with a tumor will be able to block.

the Necessary set of peptides in the anticarcinogenic center already determined. Now until the end of the year here plan to study their ability to stimulate the immune answer of an organism. And in the 2018th - to start researches on mice to prove efficiency of new medicine for a cancer.

On development of the latest antineoplastic preparation scientists of the Altai state university already got a grant of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation - fifteen million rubles for 2017-2019. And having submitted this project on a startup round "Open innovations", they will be able to apply and a ten-million grant of Fund of assistance to innovations.

- We already now are engaged in search of investors who would help to commercialize this development and quicker to introduce them in life, - the graduate student of Novosibirsk scientific center of virology and biotechnology "Vector" Shanshin Daniila noted.

"RG" Reference

Peptides - the substances consisting of two and more remains of amino acids, which certain set forms protein molecules. Peptides regulate the majority of processes of a human body, including take part in processes of cell regeneration.

Andrey Shapoval
Last position: Chief of customs (NORTHWEST ELECTRONIC CUSTOMS)
Podlesnykh Stepan
Shanshin Daniil