Televised debates to France passed against opposition Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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For the first time in the history of the French elections all candidates for presidential post gathered for televised debates. The main intrigue discussion concealed in itself Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen...
Emanuel Zhan-Mishel Frederick Makron (Emmanuel Macron)
Last position: President of the Republic France (President of the Republic of France)
Marine Le Pen (Marine Le Pen)
Last position: Deputy of the constituency of department of Strait of Dover (National assembly France)
Jean-Luc Mélenchon
Last position: Deputy (National assembly France)
Nicolas Dupont-Aignan
Last position: Chairman of the party (Political party "Vstavay, France")
Jacques Cheminade
Last position: Head (Political party "Solidarnost i progress")