In Ufa the performance "Three Sisters" is put as experiment over by itself

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Ufa, 4 Apr, 2017. /IA "Bashinform", Aralbaeva Leila/.

"The performance "Three Sisters" will be about our Russian life, I wash in particular" — Irina Zubzhitskaya (Saint Petersburg) declared the production director of performance Zubzhitskaya Irina, Kirov).

"For us it is attempt to touch one of the best plays of Chekhov, experiment over by itself, attempt to avoid hardened academism, judgment attempt. As far as it will work well? Very much the authority of the author, the previous tests prevails, but it is necessary to make something. My life passes once, and I want to try to think in the life of Chekhov as I can. I want to try to connect the life to this material — Zubzhitskaya Irina argues. — Such possibility of a touch heterodox, human we provide also to actors. Try, you are not obliged to correspond to nobody's representations in general".

In performance involved the most part of the Russian troupe of theater: Ganichev Andrey, Yarmeeva Karina, Nikolaeva Lada, Bronnikova Svetlana, Abrarova Julia, Malikov Azat, Nurislamov Salavat, Lopatin Eugenie, Akhmetvaliev Linar, Dmitry and Elina Gusev, Kurbangaleev Marat, Apraksina Marina. Also two popular actors of the Bashkir troupe — Klysov Vadim and Ramzil Salmanov participate. The art director of theater Kulbaev Musalim explained that owing to the small sizes of troupe each role is put only on one actor. At the theater having two troupes (Russian and Bashkir) on 25 people, there is a problem of shortage of actors.

of the Actress Yarmeeva Karina and Bronnikova Svetlana was told that Zubzhitskaya Irina thinks of the literary primary source very much and any word of the Chekhovian text does not change.

Music to performance are created by the composer from Samara Tonkovidov Vasilii, movements are put by the choreographer Rodionov Alexander. The performance "Three Sisters" will be shown at the Republican festival "Theatrical Spring" where it will be analysed by theatrical critics. The art director of theater Kulbaev Musalim hopes that performance waits happy destiny, including festival.

Leila Aralbaeva
Linar Akhmetvaliev
Last position: Actor (Gbukiya NMT RB named after M. Karima)
Zubzhitskaya Irina
Andreeva Catherina