На пост главы Тольятти претендует 19 человек

@Volga N'jus
В Тольятти завершился прием заявок от претендентов на пост главы города. О своем желании возглавить Автоград заявили 19 человек...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Volga News» , more details in our Terms of Service
Denise Zhidkov
Last position: Head of Department of economic development of the city hall of the city district of Tolyatti
Nikolay Merkushkin
Last position: The special representative of the President on interaction with the World congress of the Finno-Ugric people (President of the Russian Federation)
Vitaly Vilchik
Main activity:Businessman
Natalia Drozdova
Last position: The head of chair of "Acting" in Volzhsk university of V. N. Tatishchev
Mikel Dimitri