"Ivushk's" experiment

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V Sevastopol again speak about improvement of the former dance pavilion of "Ivushk". Open architectural competition, but confidence that the question will move off dead center is announced, it is not enough.

Government of Sevastopol made the next attempt to break off a vicious circle – and to arrange well the territory taking into account opinion of citizens. For this purpose for the first time in the city announced open competition on development of the concept of improvement of the territory in the Artillery bay. To participation the architectural and landscape bureaus, practicing designers and architects are invited. The reward for a victory is not provided, for contestants – their offers promise to consider the only bonus when developing the specification on object design.
the architectural arts council at GOVERNMENT SEVASTOPOL will Estimate competitive works. Results of competition will announce at the end of May.
Earlier in "Nearly a midday" the head of department of improvement Sevastopol Romanenko Eugenie reported to the program announced that for "Ivushki" in the city will for the first time hold open architectural competition. Today this information of ForPost, News of the Sevastopol city the deputy governor confirmed Sevastopol Bazarov Vladimir, supervising municipal economy.
we Will note
goes heated argument how to arrange well this territory. From time to time architects propose ready design solutions, but after their public discussion discussion comes to naught.
the Project of improvement of the territory in Artbukhta, the executed Fuklev Dimitri in 2014
Two ready projects of reconstruction of Senyavinsky Square, 300-letiya Square of the Black Sea fleet and "Ivushk's" dance pavilion the architectural arts council considered
presented the architect Fuklev Dimitri and the Sevastopol <1> Stroyproyekt design institute working by request of Agency of strategic development Sevastopol. But further business did not go.
Lately the site in the downtown turned into a garbage can, a parking and a dump of construction garbage.
New trend or movement in a circle?
the Board member of the Union of architects Russian Federation Komov Aleksey considers by
that open architectural competition – very important stage at design of socially significant places: "Architectural competition is a driver of architectural life of the city. Such competitions have to be. Let's take
history with a memorial plate to Vysotsky. Announce competition, select, carry out through the commission. Any disputable and significant history for the city has to be carried out through architectural competition. It can not be pleasant unless to builders because such competitions take place openly".
the architect Fuklev Dimitri, the author of the project of improvement of the territory of Artbukhta of 2014 also. In his opinion, such competitions need to be held – and Sevastopol very much needs it, but it is important that after that business moved off dead center.
"Open architectural competition will be held by
and asked to prepare quickly the project, it was considered by architectural arts council, but on it all and ended. It is important that this time it did not turn out as", – Fuklev Dimitri noted.
the Deputy of ZAKONODATELNOE SOBRANIE SEVASTOPOL, the member of standing committee on town planning and the land questions Sergei Petrovich Kazhanov shares fears Fuklev Dimitri. The probability of that everything again will hang, is great, the parliamentarian complained. He hopes that the team of the acting the governor it will not allow Dimitri Ovsyannikov to
"At us in 2014 submitted ready decisions. But we remember what we then had executive power – which put all this in a distant box and did not want to deal with this issue. Style of work of the new government favourably differs from the previous – there were many conversations, but it is not enough business, and here, on the contrary, it is less than conversations but if they undertake any problem, systemically try to solve it", – Sergei Petrovich Kazhanov emphasized.
Fear causes in the deputy also narrow approach of organizers of competition: there is an impression that everything becomes quickly. Sergei Petrovich Kazhanov considers that it is impossible to develop the project of improvement of Artbukhta in a separation from the cape of Crystal, Komsomol park of a name of Maria Bayda and Primorsky Boulevard.
"I have a dual relation to this competition. Certainly, it is necessary to arrange well this territory, it is an urgent problem, and it needs to be solved as soon as possible. But I am confused by limitation of the territory which are going to arrange well. It is necessary to connect all center, to think over placement of paths, parkings, objects of a public catering, outlets and monuments. The dot solution of a question can generate even more problems. As though it was no attempt to show fast result of work", – the deputy of ZAKONODATELNOE SOBRANIE SEVASTOPOL is sure.
of the Deputy governor Sevastopol Bazarov Vladimir assured ForPost, News of the Sevastopol city that now everything is serious: "The best sketch which will win, we will give to designers, on its basis design and exploration work will be conducted. That is this year precisely we will make FEASTS, we will find money for these purposes, and in the following we plan to start construction". Already soon, according to the vice governor, the unattractive waste ground in Artbukhta to turn into a lawn: "Terrible on former "Ivushka's" place we now will sprinkle stones with the earth and we will seed there a lawn. Also it will already look in a different way", – he reported.
Vlast Pidpalaya's
of the Photo Lokhvitsky Aleksey, Fuklev Dimitri
Sergei Petrovich Kazhanov
Dimitri Ovsyannikov
Main activity:Official
Romanenko Eugenie
Bazarov Vladimir
Fuklev Dimitri