83 apartments are destroyed as a result of explosion in the north China

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Is known about 3 victims and 25 ranenykh

of 83 apartments damaged as a result of powerful explosion in the building in the north China. It is known about three victims and 25 wounded, transfers information agency "Sinkhua" with reference to the authorities Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia. hoshuna (an administrative and territorial unit of level of the district) Tume-Yutsi of the city district Baotou the autonomous area Autonomous Region of Inner Mongolia declared p to Power

placement of 259 people after the occurred explosion.

Wounded are in a stable state while extraordinary services work over that consequences of explosion did not lead to secondary disasters, report local authorities.

Explosion happened on Saturday, March 25. It was such force that one of three entrances of the house completely fell off, and the neighboring houses were broken out.

according to the authorities, the reasons of incident are investigated. According to versions available for today, explosion of household gas could become the reason.


Earlier REGNUM news agency information agency "REGNUM" reported that on February 10 around Changyi the cities of Girins there was an explosion of household year in one of houses. One victim was taken to hospital.