Andorra - Faroe Islands the forecast for a match: owners will fight for points in a match

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on March 25 at 20:00 Moscow time at Nasyonal stadium the team Andorra will accept at home the national team of Faroe Islands. Clear business that match poster not the most attractive. But someone has to after all predict such duels.


Andorra Koldo in qualification to 2018 FIFA World Cup to Russian Federation acts as b awfully: four defeats in four matches at a difference hammered and missed goals 1:13. However, who expected from team something other? Here it is possible to praise team for house defeat 1:2 in a match with Switzerland more likely. For what to praise? For lack of defeat.

Faroe Islands.

Faroe Islands Olsen Lars despite the dwarfish status look very not bad. Following the results of four rounds the team managed to gather four points, having played in a draw houses with the team Hungary and having beaten the Latvian team on departure. Considering these results, it is quite possible that following the results of five rounds the away team of the forthcoming duel in an asset will have already seven points. Such result deserves respect.

of the Quotation of bookmakers:

the Victory of owners – 6.95
Nobody's – 3.84
the Victory of guests – 1.63

the Forecast for a match Andorra – Faroe Islands:

Coefficient on a victory of the team of guests in the forthcoming match – 1.63. Yes, the team managed to achieve excellent results in the first matches of qualification, but, perhaps, it not an occasion to offer such low coefficient on Victoria guests. Probably, Andorra will lose again but if it happens, no more than in one ball.

By the way, in two house matches against Switzerland and Latvia Andorra with a difference more than in one ball yet did not lose p.