Mistake of experts? In Orenburg historical heritage sent under demolition

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the City hall only in 2017 began to demand demolition allegedly emergency houses in the historical center Orenburg. Thus officials are guided by the conclusion of doubtful examination of six-year davnosti

In a historical kernel of the city Orenburg the city hall decided to demolish a row, having recognized them emergency. From inhabitants indignations which came to prosecutor's office followed. As told to the correspondent information agency "REGNUM" in regional supervising department, on the house No. 10/7 on Komsomolskaya St. / the conclusion of the interdepartmental commission about house recognition by the emergency is nullified by Ordzhonikidze in a judicial order.

Now the prosecutor of the city achieves objective repeated inspection of other houses. To chapter of Administration of Orenburg representation is directed.

Should noting

that in the requirements about a housebreaking officials were guided by the conclusion of the commission of six-year prescription. Thus the prosecutor's office claims that the document illegal. Examination was conducted only visually, without use of the equipment and without special measurements. For an assessment of a condition of designs experts of the specialized organizations were not attracted. The commission did not include representatives of the bodies authorized on implementation of the state control and supervision in spheres of sanitary and epidemiologic, fire, industrial and ecological safety. Inhabitants also were deprived of opportunity to participate in the solution of a question on destiny of their houses.

Carried out at the initiative of owners of housing independent expertize groundlessness of recognition of houses No. 10/7 on Komsomolskaya St. / Ordzhonikidze, No. 5 on Kommunalny Lane, No. 1/30/2 on Malotorgovy Lane / Burzyantsev St., emergency in confirmed Rybny Lane.

the Deputy of LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF THE ORENBURG REGION Frolov Vladimir ("Spravedlivaya Rossiya" (A Just Russia)) noted that according to the indication of the city hall residents have to demolish allegedly emergency houses in which live, by own efforts.

the Parliamentarian considers that requirements of officials of the city not only are illegal, but also there can be execution of desire of large builders on acquisition of the land plots by the last in historical part of the city Orenburg for the purpose of maintaining "dot building" at the actual destruction of object of a cultural heritage — historical part of the regional center where known citizens Russian Federation lived and worked: writers, poets, governors, artists. Zakho (the beginning of the XX century of construction) in modernist style (the house No. 1/30/2 on Malotorgovy Lane / Burzyantsev St., Rybny Lane) and Estates Rukavishnikova K. I. (1907−1908 of construction), executed in brick style (the house No. 5 on Kommunalny Lane). These houses are recognized as objects of a cultural heritage and are subject to special protection from the state.

As , it reported earlier to p REGNUM news agency information agency "REGNUM" scandal with objects of a cultural heritage. In 2016 in the building of the Orenburg highest aviation school in which in 1955−57 years the first-ever space pilot Gagarin Youri studied, there was a major fire. Thus the object now is in federal property. The authorities Orenburg region ask to transfer it to the region possession. They declared readiness to create there the astronautics museum.

A in the winter of 2017 knew that the complex of buildings on Sovetskaya Street, 1 is included in the expected plan of privatization. Now the building is in an emergency state and in case of privatization it is threatened by destruction.

Frolov Vladimir
Rukavishnikova K. I.
Gagarin Youri
Main activity:Science and education
Political ideology:Socialism of the 21st century, Social democracy, Centre-left politics, \u000aDemocratic socialism.