Parfenov Leonid will submit the new movie in "PIONEER"

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Chagall, Eisenstein Sergei, Babel Isaak, Dunaevsky Isaak and others

Date: On March 23 at 19:30

Place: PIONER movie theater (Kutuzovsky Avenue, 21)

of the Photo:

Radi of that to go: the First movie of the trilogy of the journalist and the TV host Parfenov Leonid and the director Nurmamed Sergei told span about oppressions of Jews to pre-revolutionary Russian Federation. The second movie covers participation of Jews in policy and culture of the USSR in 1918-1948. Trotsky creates Red army, Chagall glorifies native Vitebsk in Paris, Eisenstein Sergei invents a modern language. The movie included stories of classics of the Soviet music Blanter Matvey and Dunaevsky Isaak, the writer Babel Isaak.

That else: after display discussion with the author Parfenov Leonid in a hall No. 2 (a session at 19:30 tickets – 700 rubles) will take place, and in a hall No. 1 the live broadcast (a session at 19:35, tickets – 500 rubles) will be conducted.

Details about sessions – on a movie theater site .