Thousands of Egyptian school students poisoned with a dinner

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B Egypt 98 pupils got to hospital with poisoning symptoms. About it reports information agency "Associated Press" on Wednesday, March 22.

Mass poisoning occurred at schools mukhafaz (provinces) located in the delta of Nile. After a school dinner pupils complained of belly-aches, vomiting and high temperature and were sent to hospital. As reports, all children were given medical help and released on houses.

according to Ministry health care of Arab Republic Egypt, incident became the second case of mass poisoning of school students this month. Last week more than 2,2 thousand pupils in Southern Governorate Sokhag noticed at themselves similar symptoms after a lunch. The ministry sent samples of food offered at schools for examination to establish, whether it was the cause of poisoning.

the Government Egypt started the program for providing with dinners of the public educational institutions in 2015.