The treasury receded with failures

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Control over softened after complaints of officials and investigation

Dmitry Medvedev and Sergey Sobyanin

Photo : Shtukina Catherina / information agency "ITAR-TASS"
the Government softened with
control of after a set of complaints to failures in system work. Moscow the mayor, governors Saint Petersburg and Murmansk region and even foreign intelligence
the Government temporarily softened with

rules of treasury control of : it is authorized to customers to place in (EIS) information on before receiving approval from Federal Treasury, follows from the government resolution of March 20 (well on the official site Yedinaya informatsionnaya sistema v sfere zakupok , but on a portal of legal information the government are not published yet). The resolution stops norm about impossibility of placement of without treasury control till January 1, 2018 for federal and till January 1, 2019 for regional and municipal contracts, is spoken in the document.

On systematic failures in EIS complaints since the beginning of year arrived: in January about them, in particular, the mayor wrote the prime minister Dmitry Medvedev Sergey Sobyanin. In the letter addressed to the prime minister (is at RBC) he specified that Moscow carries out to 10% of all of , and failures in EIS threaten implementation of social obligations. As a solution Sergey Sobyanin suggested to grant the right to subjects with an annual volume of over 100 billion rubles. to create regional systems of .

Within February about failures in system work a premiere governors wrote

Saint Petersburg and Murmansk region. "Federal Treasury as one of versions of the partial solution of the arisen problems suggests customers to carry out information placement directly in a private office of EIS However such decision contradicts the regulations adopted in subjects" — Murmansk region Marina Kovtun addressed to Dmitry Medvedev (RBC has a copy) is told in the letter of the governor. Marina Kovtun asked to correct a situation and to make changes to the current legislation to relieve of administrative responsibility of the customer and authorized bodies in cases when they cannot place information in EIS because of technical failures.

the Governor Saint Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko in the letter reported to the prime minister about the same problem that because of failure there is no timely exchange of documents between EIS and regional systems of (RICE), and also between users of EIS — customers and control authorities. Georgy Poltavchenko suggested to realize system "return interaction" which at failures in EIS will allow to work in FIG.

Discontent of intelligence services

By March the problem of failures in EIS was not solved by

, and the Service of Foreign Intelligence (SFI) complained of malfunctions already. "We believe that rules of control and an order of the account budgetary and liabilities excessively complicate procedure of control and absolutely unfairly increase duration of each purchase" — was spoken in the letter of the chief of service of providing SVR Krailina Alexandra in the Ministry of Economic Development. He also specified that the situation for SVR is aggravated with privacy of plans of services, and introduction of treasury control repeatedly increased paper document flow. The established order of treasury control, is told in the letter, is excessively bureaucratized, "in single questions contradicts requirements of the legislation and in a certain degree discredits all contract system".

In the Ministry of Economic Development complaints to work of service of technical support of EIS also arrived. Boundary Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation on Primorsky territory in February reported that within two weeks could not make necessary changes to the plan schedule of through a private office in EIS. "To technical support nine inquiries concerning the only technical error of a site interfering placement of information on change of the plan schedule were directed" — security officers wrote. The service of technical support of EIS does not respond to the requests on a being and cannot eliminate the described error, follows from the document.

the Resolution of March 20 the government suspended some norms 44-FZ which came into force since the beginning of 2017 and led to large-scale failure in EIS. These norms entered control from outside Federal Treasury six types of information about , placed into EIS, and also obliged customers to place in system the three-year plan of and the one-year plan schedule of . To failures in EIS led that treasury control of compliance of to plans schedules had to be automated, but in practice it appeared that completely it is impossible to automate process. Without treasury control of the plan schedule placement of in EIS is blocked, it is necessary to work with still practically manually, the director of the Center of development of a competition policy and tells THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ACADEMY NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PUBLIC SERVICE AT PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, ACADEMY AT PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, RANEPA, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "ROSSIYSKAYA ACADEMY NARODNOGO ECONOMY I GOSUDARSTVENNOY SLUZHBY PRI PREZIDENTE ROSSIYSKOY FEDERATSII" Agapova Helena. "In protection of treasury to which function of automation of EIS was assigned, I can tell that on the set of various resolutions and orders is published. If it was accurately registered that customers need to make to simplify work, I think, this [simplification] would be made" — she argues.

Crisis in system

Introduction of three-year plans — long dream the MAYOR, explains the expert of JSC "Pension fund "Special engineering office Kontur" Savukova Marina. "All reform of , connected with start of contract system, in 2014 was started for the sake of it. It is connected at all with planning of expenses of the budget, and with control of that is bought" — she speaks. Earlier the customer could announce any , buy goods or the service which has not been connected with profile activity, for example expensive car, it generated corruption schemes, explains Savukova Marina. Plans and schedules allow treasury and other control bodies in advance to see such and if necessary to cancel them.

Also the government established to

an order of control of the documents which are containing state secret and not subject to placement in EIS: directly information on a code of , the amount of financing, the protocol of definition of suppliers and the draft of the state contract. This necessary specification, explains Savukova Marina: "From the previous text it was not clear that is object of the control, which data on — now it is registered".

the crisis situation developed

Since the beginning of 2017 in the sphere of . As of January 27 in EIS could not place plans of 180 thousand. customers (about 70% of all customers), Evgeniy Yelin addressed to the first Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov of January 27 (RBC has a copy of the letter) were told in the letter of the deputy minister of economic development. "Introduction of the three-year plan of and the one-year plan schedule leads besides high labor input for customers to emergence of a large amount of bureaucratic and technical difficulties" — wrote Elin.

Against failures in EIS in the government there was a discussion control transfers over system. Now control over this system where notices on for all state and municipal departments and the enterprises are published, is distributed between the Ministry of Economic Development and treasury subordinated to the Ministry of Finance. At the beginning of February, 2017 newspaper "Kommersant" reported that the government refused idea to concentrate control over this system in one hands. Dispute on distribution of powers between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development proceeds some months, the final decision is not made yet.

Sergey Sobyanin
Last position: Mayor (Moscow Government)
Dmitry Medvedev
Last position: Vice-chairman (Security Council of the Russian Federation)
Helena Agapova
Igor Shuvalov
Last position: Chairman (SC Vnesheconombank)
Marina Kovtun
Last position: President (ASSOCIATION "RUSSKY LOSOS")