To Leningrad region there can be a position of the governor general

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Vitse-gubernator from Leningrad region, decided to check colleagues on a polygraph , declared itself the most important.
As are reported by the correspondent 47news, on Wednesday, March 22, at meeting of Legislative assembly of Leningrad region the bill thanks to which in the list of the state positions of the region there was a "first deputy chief of staff of governor and government" position was adopted.

the Initiator. In the explanatory note he explains amendments to that the similar position is in Legislative Assembly, and in the government for some reason is not present. It, most likely, to the official who has recently taken up service, offensively, after all as he officially writes, the device "is the most various on functionality and the biggest on number executive authority" headed by it.

Statement of a question was not pleasant to deputy corps.

the Leader of fraction of Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Lebedev Andrey asked the head of department of civil service of the device representing the bill Simakova Alevtina, this new position why is necessary. She answered in the sense that in other departments such is, and at Kucheryavy Mikhail is not present.

- Time you in such tone answer p, let's make simpler. Let's enter a position of the governor general for Kucheryavy Mikhail, it would discipline at once all, - Petrov Vladimir offered.

- Justification "at all is in good spirits, and at me is not present" wrong", - Lebedev Andrey added.

Also Petrov Vladimir asked to tell p to Kucheryavy Mikhail that "to send instead of itself to a tribune the woman and to be killed for itself" incorrectly. we Will remind p to

, for incomplete three months of work Kucheryavy Mikhail became noticeable to regional elite thanks to application of KGB methods in work. In particular, it forbade colleagues to carry by cell phones on government meetings, and also suggested to check all officials on the lie detector.

Mikhail Mikhaylovich Kucheryavy
Last position: Vice governor, chief of staff (Governor Administration and government of the Leningrad region)
Andrey Lebedev
Main activity:Politician
Simakova Alevtina
Petrov Vladimir
Political ideology:Patriotism, anti-Americanism, eurasianism, centrism, anticommunism, etatism, mixed economy.