BBC TV channel will fine for Brexit

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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the British Air Force telebroadcasting corporation can be fined for prejudiced and tendentious covering of the events connected with process an exit United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from EU . Such initiative was taken by the deputy of the British parliament from ruling Conservative party Uittingdeyl John.

"I had an impression that the Air Force is looked for constantly by a negative and emphasizes problems which arise in connection with Brexit", - declared Uittingdeyl John to the British mass media. According to him, this impression is confirmed also by objective research of the contents of programs and a news where critics of Brexit prevail over his supporters.

Uittingdeyl John already developed the new charter fixing an obligation of the state TV company impartially to estimate events in the country. In case the management of the Air Force does not consider criticism, deputies will make the complaint to the British governmental regulator of the sphere of media - Ofcom (Office of Communications). This government institution possesses the right to fine mass media and to enter other sanctions, and also in a directive way to interfere with editorial policy. And the single penalty can reach 310 thousand dollars.

Earlier more than seventy members of the British parliament addressed to the management of the Air Force, having accused corporation of "rhetoric of pessimism" and attempt to represent British "the xenophobic nation".