От 20 до 40: cамые молодые миллиардеры мира

Совладелец «Сибура» Кирилл Шамалов — единственный из россиян, вошедших в глобальный рейтинг миллиардеров в возрасте до 40 лет...
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Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 675
Alexandra Gamlemshaug Andresen
Last position: Co-owner (Ferd Holding AS)
John Kollison
Last position: Cofounder (Stripe Closed joint stock company)
Mark Zuckerberg
Last position: CEO (Meta (it is forbidden in RF))
Eduardo Saverin
Last position: Cofounder (Meta (it is forbidden in RF))
Main activity:Wholesale trade
Stripe Closed joint stock company
Main activity:Communication and IT