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Day of the orthodox book is noted by h2 on March 14. this day in 1564 Fedorov Yvan published the first printing book in Russia – "Apostle". Since 2010 at the initiative of Vladimir Gundyaev this holiday is spent in all dioceses of RO Russian Orthodox church.

Maya TIMCHENKO, Matveichev Vadim

PHOTO the Pleasure of the Word Exhibition forum took place div in the past weekend in the district capital. The All-Russian action was dated for Day of the orthodox book which celebration began in our country about Chukotka Autonomous District.

Krom of the literary exhibition which has settled down on Saturday in the hall of the House of national creativity, the cultural and educational project – a photo exhibition of "Svetopis of secret" on the subject "Society and Church" was submitted to audience. Various moments of modern religious life are reflected in black-and-white pictures: church service in the temple, the prayer, the help to
needing etc. In the first day an exhibition forum visited more than 200 people. They became witnesses of a ceremonial opening of action and a festive public prayer which was carried out by metropolitan Kaluzhsky who has specially arrived for this purpose and Bohr Borovskoy Kliment both the bishop Anadyr and Chukchi Matfey. At an opening ceremony from one of organizers of an exhibition – Publishing council RO Russian Orthodox church – to the Chukchi diocese were transferred sets of books from meeting of works of winners of the Patriarchal literary award "Road to the Sky".
Celebration of Day of the orthodox book began with Chukotka. The exhibition forum was opened solemnly by the Metropolitan Kaluzhsky both Bohr Kliment and the bishop Anadyr and Chukchi Matfey.
Within three days of work of an exhibition forum delegates headed by the chairman of Publishing council RO Russian Orthodox church the metropolitan Kaluzhsky and Borovskoy Kliment held meetings with studying youth of Anadyr, representatives of power structures and the public. At school, lyceum and college school students and students met winners and nominees of the Patriarchal award – writers Victor Nikolaev, Varlamov Aleksey and Mramornov Alexander. Also "round tables" concerning spiritual and moral development of society, patriotic education, interaction of church and government institutions in the field of development of book culture took place.
the Pleasure of the Word Exhibition forum was organized by Publishing council RO Russian Orthodox church, the Anadyr and Chukchi diocese with the assistance of Association of book publishing houses and trade organizations "Orthodox Book".

One of the most remarkable events of a forum there was a meeting of the metropolitan Kaluzhsky and Borovskoy Kliment with clergy and the public of Anadyr. The chairman of Publishing council Borovskoy Kliment besides church and publishing publishes the works on stories of development of Orthodoxy on Far North and State of Alaska, being the doctor of historical sciences. At a meeting the metropolitan presented the books "RO Russian Orthodox church on State of Alaska till 1917" and "Orthodoxy on State of Alaska: development retrospective in 1741-1917". In conversation with representatives of mass media of the district the priest with regret noticed that our compatriots began to read less.
– But our youth nevertheless reads, – he told. – It is necessary to channelize only correct to this process. The today's child in three-five years becomes the young man. And if we in the childhood accustom it to read good books, we will show on the example, he when will mature, will read also. And thus the book will return to youth hands. to
according to the Anadyr and Chukchi bishop Matfey, passed in Anadyr on the importance and scale it is possible to deliver the Pleasure of the Word exhibition forum in one row with an event which took place last year – visit Vladimir Gundyaev to Chukotka Autonomous District.
– This exhibition was presented in Far East only on Chukotka Autonomous District and on Sakhalin region. We long prepared for this event – nearly five months. And it is joyful that the Lord vouchsafed and gave us good weather because in case of a bad weather the exhibition could not take place simply. And the given dioceses sets of books from meeting of works of winners of the Patriarchal literary award "Road to the Sky" will find the place in diocesan library where everyone will be able to take them for reading, – the bishop Matfey concluded.


Within an exhibition to Anadyr was delivered an ark with a particle of relics of the prelate Tikhon, the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia. The main shrine of an exhibition was for worship in the Cathedral of the Sacred Zhivonachalny Trinity.
Vladimir Gundyaev (Kirill)
Last position: Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia (The Russian Orthodox Church)
Victor Nikolaev
Main activity:Official
Fedorov Yvan
Matveichev Vadim
Borovskoy Kliment
The Russian Orthodox Church
Main activity:Activity of public associations and international organizations