Antonova Irina : When I will be 103 years old, will update the rights

@Vechernjaja Moskva
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July 23, 2007. Irina Antonova and the English actor Jeremy Irons on the motorcycle at GMIIIM. A.S. Pushkina

on July 23, 2007. Antonova Irina and the English actor Ayrons Geremy on the motorcycle at GMIIIM. Pushkin A. S.

of the Photo: Chirikov Sergei / EPA

celebrates on March 20 the 95 anniversary Antonova Irina , the president the State GMII named after A. S. Pushkina.

the Holiday will not break Antonova Irina : today will pass an academic council on which expansion of museum space will be discussed.

Antonova Irina , really at least in birthday it is impossible to have a rest from affairs?

— No. Academic council called at my request. I will tell about that stage at which we are. This business of my life. Since 1961 as soon as I became a director, started striving on transfer of separate people around us constructions in museum property. For these years 11 buildings increased. For the estate of princes Golitsyn in which the Gallery of art of the countries Europe and America XIX– of the XXI centuries will take place, I fought some years.

A that in plans for the near future?

— at the beginning of April I will go to Riga, me invite to make the report on problems of the Museum of Modern Art. On April 16 I will go for one day to Saint Petersburg, the remarkable pianist Sokolov Grigory there acts. Last year I specially went to Zaltsburg that to listen to it. At the beginning of June in Israel Eugenie Mironov will show the performance "Hamlet/collage", and then I at the same theater will read lecture about art of Shakespearean time. Already it is necessary to think of the musical festival "December Evenings Rikhter Svyatoslav" and of exhibition which will be connected with it.

U me continue an author's cycle "conversations for the third age", that is lectures for pensioners, in the Center of esthetic education "Museyon". With them it is very interesting to me. Many go to the museum any more one decade. Now, when the period of vigorous work ended and children grew up, they had time for.

U you - that is the concept "time for itself"?

— After I became the president of the museum, it it appeared even less. But I still surely read for the night every day the book on French, German or Italian. Still I often visit performances, concerts. From the last that I saw — "Anniversary of the jeweler" with Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov.

Neighbours in a hall recognize you?

— Learn. When you understand that before you the person who connects with you not the most bad feeling of the life … Or rather, with the museum. But other people who in it work, do not show on the TV. Therefore many attribute all pleasant impressions to my merits. One person told: "I was at you at exhibition pictures from the Dresden Gallery collection" — and it took place in 1955, I still at all was not a director. Me recognize and in shops, in the market. Even the staff of traffic polices sometimes speaks: "Oh, and you in Pushkin work! ".

you still at a wheel?

— I drive the car since 1964. When only took the wheel, female drivers were a rarity. I remember remarks in the address at gas stations — both positive, and negative … The car aggravates feeling that you dispose of own destiny. At my driving license term expires in 2025. When I saw them, I joked: "I will not live up to its termination". And to me seriously answered: "You — will live".

Grigory Lipmanovich Sokolov
Last position: Pianist, musical teacher
Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov
Main activity:Official
Irina Antonova
Main activity:Cultural worker
Geremy John Ayrons
Last position: Actor
GMII named after A. S. Pushkina
Main activity:Activity of hotels and restaurants