Also will lead Suvorovsky, 67, via the lie detector

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Vot in Government of Leningrad region also appeared the figure, capable to dismiss the governor Alexander Drozdenko. He already suggests corrupt officials to give up voluntary — Suvorovsky's all new officials, 67, will pass through a polygraph. How grumbled, the monster from the vice governor Kucheryavy Mikhail created.

At structure of Government of Leningrad region always there has to be the unloved personality which sense of existence comes true her involvement in affairs which to nobody else are excessive. For example, such has to without ceremony and to execute emotions orders for dismissal of on whom the governor will nod. The behavior manner, whether to carry out political execution directly or to turn in underground intrigues, business secondary. And much this role not to liking.

So, because of an excessive impressionability on the eve of New year Lebedinsky Mikhail suffered, refusing even to hold negotiations on an occasion of others resignations, and especially not being going to do in this direction though any gestures. For it it banished on a position of the chairman Lenoblizbirkom on which at the present device he already hardly to someone will be able strongly to contradict a vertical.


I were delivered on this place of the 60-year-old lieutenant general Gosbezopasnosti by Kucheryavy Mikhail. According to information 47news, for incomplete two and a half months he managed to frighten so the innovations a governmental top that in its party look, having almost always slightly opened a mouth.

the First big device of 2017 where time in two weeks on Mondays invite all vice governors and chairmen of committees, turned back an alarm. The coming prepared bags with surnames where it was necessary to put cell phones and tablets. From surprise anybody plainly at all did not begin to grumble, and, for example, the construction vice governor Moskvin Mikhail hastened to assure the journalist 47news that he always dreamed of the similar address to.

a week Later the same Kucheryavy Mikhail decided to forbid to bring means of communication and on government meetings , than again did a lot of noise. To this action are invited not only vice governors, heads of committees, but also heads of both branches of the power of all areas, that is, about hundred people. In case of an embodiment of this idea all power of Leningrad region risked at three-four o'clock to appear without communication. Or in a different way: all region to plunge into anarchy. Mystery of such carrying out it is difficult for p to explain

with privacy, after all online translation is conducted with meeting of the government.

Interlocutors 47news remember that the head of the region was surprised even and tried to extinguish a general shiver of colleagues. But it is accurate not to tread on and corns Kucheryavy Mikhail, after all it is not known, whether you will find still other such. A certain sobering letter after which it refused the offensive intentions was written to its address it seems as.

However, at some speeds engines already so simply do not stop. Proved Kucheryavy Mikhail in time the scandal which is developing round a bas-relief with fighters in Kirovsky rayon . Let's remind, it was scarified sharply by the public because of, allegedly, excessively avant-garde approach to a question therefore the specialist of department stroykontrolya construction Managements, despite her thirty-year experience was dismissed.

On Suvorovsky, 67, remember that during this period Kucheryavy Mikhail came to the governor with the plan of action. As if in medieval were, it stretched parchment with the list, whose disappearance will help the region to come out of an affair with honor. Among applicants for an exit there were the chairman of committee on culture Chaykovsky Eugenie, the chairman Committee on social protection Neshchadim, the chairman of committee on construction Zhdanov Vitaly, the vice governor on construction Moskvin Mikhail. According to the logic of aggression, the following surname had to be – Alexander Drozdenko. So its heat was competently liquidated.

If someone believes that on it the imagination Kucheryavy Mikhail stopped, it obviously badly knows history VChK-NKVD-KGB. To fight against embezzlement of public funds and sloppiness he solved cardinally. As told, pressing a laughter (and, probably, nervous), one of his colleagues, few weeks ago it came to Alexander Drozdenko and suggested to test all officials of the government on the lie detector. Yes, on that, with provodochka which attach to the head of the suspect, and he, answering questions, gives out only the truth. The polygraph is called.

As now retell on Suvorovsky, 67, Alexander Drozdenko thought apprehended, but again accurately. Agreed, but only concerning again coming, after all, as we know, in the country not only financial, but also personnel crisis. So, wishing to work in the House of the government it is necessary to think seriously before there going, after all can ask and serious things. with

It in stagnant times of people answered questions, whether "there are at you relatives abroad? " and "who secretary general of the Central Committee of Communist Party Mongolia". Now so: whether "there are at you relatives abroad? " and "what percent of kickbacks you consider normal".

Itself Kucheryavy Mikhail did not begin to explain to the journalist 47news as, on his thought, there will take place procedure, having considered that it is a question not on business. However, in vain, 47news here is especially on the party of the vice governor Kucheryavy Mikhail, after all he helps to do news.

Gilmshina Julia,


Alexander Drozdenko
Last position: Governor (Government of the Leningrad region)
Mikhail Mikhaylovich Kucheryavy
Last position: Vice governor, chief of staff (Governor Administration and government of the Leningrad region)
Mikhail Lebedinsky
Last position: Chairman (Election commission of the Leningrad region)
Mikhail Ivanovich Moskvin
Eugenie Chaykovsky
Last position: Chairman (Culture Committee of the Leningrad region)