In Lithuania the slave trade Ukrainians prospers

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of Ukrainians entice into Lithuania for work and turn into rabov

Lithuanian portal 15min. lt carried out journalistic investigation during which revealed in Lithuania the whole network of modern slave traders. Mass media claims that victims of steel of one hundred citizens Ukraine. REGNUM news agency information agency "REGNUM" publishes strong published and translated today, on March 16, a material:

"Now Ukrainians in Lithuania endure the same that Lithuanians to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland worried 15−20 years ago. The Ukrainians coming to Lithuania on earnings, receive here pennies because them deceive both intermediaries, and employers. The Caritas organization (the largest Lithuanian charitable organization — a comment. REGNUM news agency information agency "REGNUM" ) is compelled to feed with strong them because they have no money neither for food, nor for the ticket home. Journalistic investigation of a portal 15min opens that in Lithuania the cunning scheme by means of which Lithuanians profit on Ukrainians works.

One entice Ukrainians into Lithuania, offering high salaries, others bring and employ, but salaries take away to themselves. Inspection of work is filled up with requests for the help, and at this time volunteers from the Red Cross and Caritas rescue Ukrainians from hunger. Ukrainians, without having achieved justice, return home, and they are succeeded by others. Such scheme of human trafficking works over a year.

the Welder Slyusarchuk Oleg Tsoma who has arrived from Kryvyi Rih, in Lithuania wanted to earn simply money. Though in its hometown the steel works largest in the country works, it did not accept a salary of only 100 US dollars.

In Ukraine it is now full of announcements with work offers in Poland, in Lithuania. On one of them Slyusarchuk Oleg also was moved, and in March of last year he with 10 compatriots arrived to Vilnius. Ukrainians, having worked at the Klaipeda plant four months, understood that them deceived — to them paid for only 20 euros a week or is 10 times less, than promised. The builder got to a similar situation from Western Ukraine Kharchenko Alexander also. He together with other Ukrainians was engaged in capital repairs of the house in Vilnius, but him too deceived. The portal 15min found many such examples.

15min found out that in Lithuania the cunning scheme when intermediaries take away to themselves salaries of Ukrainians works, and those are compelled to starve. About similar experience can tell and Lithuanians whom once so deceived to United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

to Tsom's

told that as soon as it arrived to Vilnius, it at once sent to Klaipeda, and its workplace — one Klaipeda metalworking enterprise. "In a week paid for 20−50 euros as we understood that did not die of hunger, but all of us equally went to table Caritas because sometimes we did not receive also it" — Tsoma tells. Now he with compatriots huddles in one Klaipeda apartment, eats the offered products and tries to return the earned money.

In 4 months of work it received only 420 euros. Approximately as much his compatriots received also. According to the Ukrainian, in a year in Lithuania thus 200−300 Ukrainians were deceived.

"To us all the time was told — tomorrow-the day after tomorrow we will receive money, but so proceeded long enough. When I once demanded to pay me my money, to me threatened that will take out to the wood, and there I will work for free. We here as if slaves" — the Ukrainian tells. He claims that wants to warn Ukrainians whom entice into Lithuania announcements of work.

"Yesterday Ukrainians appealed to us again to support products because they do not have enough food. The package of products was bought. According to men, it is very a shame to them to ask but while they will not receive money, they have no other exit" — chapter of the Caritas "Help to Prostitution and Human Trafficking Victims" program Christina Mishinene confirmed to a portal 15min.

Ukrainians in Lithuania find a job through Polish, Lithuanian or even the Ukrainian enterprises. Tsoma with group of Ukrainians was employed through the Lithuanian enterprise Bimater. This company also found to Ukrainians work at the Klaipeda plant. The head of the company Urbonas Maryus did not deny 15min that owes Ukrainians of money. But it, allegedly, has a justification. "The first month we worked, then there was no work, so from what to pay to me? I spoke to Ukrainians — go home, but they anywhere did not want to go and remained to live in the apartment, and I for it still have to be to pay" — the businessman assures. Besides, he complained that Ukrainians came with the documents not put in order. "So it they deceived me, instead of I them. Told that all documents as it should be, but everything appeared differently" — Urbonas Maryus assured, whose company Bimater is registered in Plunge.

A who to the Lithuanian recommended to p workers from Ukraine? "My partner Vigintas, he here worked earlier" — the businessman confirmed, being indignant that cannot move Ukrainians from the apartment.

Ukrainians told that they in Vilnius were met by the young man presented by Vigintas. But he told the surname to nobody. The volunteers helping Ukrainians, and other Ukrainian emigrants also mentioned mysterious Vigintas's name. The portal 15min found this person. It denied that is the intermediary and earns on it, but confirmed that helped Ukrainians. "I was a translator" — Vigintas who claimed was so presented that Ukrainians are guilty — it was necessary to wait one day. "We to them suggested a compromise — to wait for money one day, and they did not go for work three days. So who here is guilty? " — the businessman asked.

to Tsom's

tells that the Ukrainians coming to Lithuania, do not see other exit and in all ways try to return the money — address in work Inspection, police, prosecutor's office. He together with compatriots refused to be moved from the apartment while to them will not pay all money. "Lithuanians leave for earnings to Western Europe, and us here hold slaves. After all we too want to earn therefore arrived here" — Slyusarchuk Oleg speaks.

the State labor inspection does not deny p — it is human trafficking. "We received the first signals last year, and now we see already a tendency — in Lithuania trade in Ukrainians" is carried out — the assistant manager Department of the right of State Labour Inspection Noreyka Gediminas told.

according to Labour exchange, Ukrainians made nearly 60% of all employed in last year in Lithuania foreigners.

Inspection of work cooperates with colleagues Poles as the most part working in Lithuania Ukrainians find a job through the Polish companies. "But the Polish employment agencies say that such people do not employ. These are fictitious contracts, and on it intermediaries" profit — speaks Noreyka Gediminas. To the lawyer of Inspection of work the scheme of use of Ukrainians because he listened to many similar stories is perfectly known. For January and February in inspection 8 deceived Ukrainians addressed. Last year 30 complaints were received.


Noreyka Gediminas claimed that part of Ukrainians, without having received all the money, come back home. "Therefore it is sometimes difficult to contact them, and courts close such affairs. On their place others come. Such here the vicious circle" — is told by the lawyer.

Ukrainian Tsoma is indignant that only after a while learned that him dismissed. "In work Inspection to us said that we were dismissed on February 1 though worked to the middle of month. Ourselves did not know that we are already dismissed" — Tsoma complained. His former employer Urbonas Maryus was surprised that Ukrainians went for work though them already dismissed. "I said to them that there is no work, and all of them equally came to work. I because of them only received a penalty" — the head of Bimater complained.

Urbonas Maryus claimed that any more does not run business with Ukrainians and any more does not employ them. But the facts collected by a portal say that Ukrainians continue to come to Lithuania, having tempted on work offers. The Lithuanian employers who do not have enough workers, are interested in cheap Ukrainian labor — there are even separate Internet sites.

to Tsom's

tells that the company Urbonas Maryus actually any more does not work as Bimater with Ukrainians, but the Lithuanian already registered in Klaipeda the new enterprise — Perela. 15min checked this information. It appeared that in January the only shareholder of Bimater, 32-year-old Urbonas Maryus with the contemporary Laurinas Morkus from Plunge founded the Perela company which owns an Internet site . The journalist 15min, having pretended to be the secretary of the director of the company who is looking for people for various construction works, called the representative of the company. It became clear that Ukrainians were not gone anywhere.

Journalist 15min: Hello, I represent the company which performs various construction works. We constantly do not have experts — from builders to plumbers, welders and so on. You could recommend somebody?

Representative of Perela: Yes, we offer builders. Perhaps you could send the list of workers who are necessary to you? If someone is on a place, we will offer it at once to you. If is not present, we will try to find — as soon as we will find, at once we will direct to you.

Journalist 15min: We will need to employ these people through itself or to pay to you?

Representative of Perela: You pay to us for service, we will pay of. They sign the contract with us. We put all documentation in order.

Journalist 15min: So we sign the contract with you?

Representative of Perela: With us.

Journalist 15min: And there are experts? Heard that now Belarusians, Ukrainians often work.

Representative of Perela: There we generally with them, with Ukrainians, also talk. They already have documents, work permits and so on. If you, of course, accept Ukrainians.

Journalist 15min: Should we care of their accommodation?

Representative of Perela: If you have any options, it would be good. If is not present, ourselves look for them housing. It by agreement — as will turn out.

Journalist 15min: We do not want troubles with work Inspection. Whether there come these people legally?

Representative of Perela: Yes, with visas, with the permissions, with all documents.

Journalist 15min: And how with payment — you establish for them the size of a salary or we?

Representative of Perela: Ourselves establish the size of their salary. You speak to us, how many you can pay. We leave any part to ourselves for service, the rest we pay of in

the Journalist 15min: Ukrainians work only or there are still Lithuanians?

Representative of Perela: Most often Ukrainians.

the Company Urbonas Maryus Bimater does not work with p, and as the correspondent managed to find out 15min in Plunge where the enterprise is registered, the office there does not work two months. Though the company sign still hangs on the building of Mail Lithuania, doors of the former office on the third floor are closed for a long time.

Urbonas Maryus, having heard about experiment 15min, did not become puzzled: "We simply pay attention. We do not have these workers".

it is exact by the same principle in Lithuania the Polish companies work also. They bring Ukrainians whom then transport to Lithuania. Workers only in some months understand that them deceived, and come back home. Kharchenko Alexander together with compatriots it was so in Lithuania through the GAL BUD company.

"We worked with p in Vilnius 4 months, were engaged in house repair on streets Zhalyuyu to an ezher, Taykos. In a week received for 30 euros, to us all the time promised that just about money will be" — tells a portal Kharchenko Alexander. Eventually, the employer absolutely was gone, and Ukrainians remained without one cent in pockets.

Kharchenko Alexander actually it was invited to work in Poland but when it there arrived, the employer redirected it at once to Lithuania. Ukrainians were employed, but a little they consoled it because they received pennies.

"Families in Ukraine all the time asked p why we do not send money. And after all there the wife remained with children" — the Ukrainian tells. Many, having appeared in the same situation, spat everything and left home, and other Ukrainians were employed by their compatriot Slyusarchuk Oleg, at which in Vilnius construction business.

the Portal 15min for the first time met Slyusorchuk in August, 2013 in Rukle — after he refused to give evidences against Yulia Tymoshenko, the power selected sugar business worth 9 million US dollars, the big apartment at the man and compelled to run from the country. During this time the man was granted political asylum in Lithuania, founded Stavys construction company.

Having opened construction business, Slyusarchuk Igor faced the same problem, as other businessmen — shortage of workers. "Not all refugees are able to read, and others who has the higher education, will not work at buildings" — the son Slyusarchuk Igor, the director of Stavys Slyusarchuk Igor speaks. Therefore they were interested by the Polish company GAL BUD — it brought 16 Ukrainians.

Slyusarchuk Igor tells that, suspecting nothing, transferred the Polish company money which had to go to salaries to Ukrainians. But soon they began to complain that to them do not pay — instead of promised 200−300 euros they got paid only 20−30 euros.

"Once in May people simply did not come to work. I asked the Polish company why, and they answered that it not my business" — is told by Slyusarchuk Oleg. The part of Ukrainians was collected by things and left home. The businessman managed to persuade 8 people to remain — now they are officially employed in the Kiev company of a family Slyusarchuk Igor, and now sent to business trip to Vilnius.

"In Ukraine many want to go abroad. The companies ask money for the visa, job searches from Ukrainians, promise accommodation, a good salary, sometimes — the car" — the founder of Stavys tells. Most often to Ukrainians promise work in Poland, but it is obvious, as in Lithuania businessmen already learned to drive in slavery of inhabitants Ukraine, wishing to earn additionally. He tells that recently owners of GAL BUD founded one more similar company — SPEC BUD which also looks for Ukrainians for work abroad. "The company looks for bricklayers, the workers warming facades. Salary — from 900 euros" — such announcement of SPEC-BUD published on one of the Ukrainian portals with work offers. The company looks for workers and in other countries, but generally Ukrainians brings to Poland.

the Firm belongs to Mikole Kalnitsky who is one of shareholders of GAL BUD (also actions of this company own Chudak Andrey, Chudak Gennady and Danilevsky Vitaly). The portal 15min managed to contact them.

the Businessman at the beginning of conversation got out, said that something connects it with the SEPC-BUD company but when journalists of a portal told that they have documents, recognized that is the shareholder of the company. "More precisely, now I any more the shareholder, 8 months ago I sold actions" — the man though official documents indicate the opposite assured — he is board member.

the Ukrainian claimed that employed compatriots in Lithuania within several months. "I work purely" — the man assured. On a question why it decided to refuse actions, Kalnitsky hastened to finish conversation. "I do not know you, and I will not answer such private matters" — he told.

U 15min there are copies of employment contracts, but the State Labour Inspection suspects that they fictitious. So intermediaries could deceive Ukrainians. by

In contracts it is written that the worker is employed in Poland. Inspection of work says that workers also have to submit the reference from the Polish SOCIAL INSURANCE FUND THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, but never do it. "Employers in Lithuania explain to us that they believed that these documents real. Actually they have to be interested more. The new Labour code provides sanctions for it" — the assistant manager Department of the right of inspection speaks.

One more mysterious history is connected by p with development of the Kaunas shopping center Mega. At the beginning of December 15min received the letter from inhabitant Vilma who told about 10 Ukrainians, arrived to work in Mega. Then the woman told that the Izomarinas company which has employed them within three months does not pay to Ukrainians the promised salary.

of Builders lodged in Garliava, to Vitauto St. address, 90 — the motel there worked. According to the woman, Ukrainians paid for it. However, then the portal did not manage to contact people — the company, allegedly, paid them for 50 euros that they could return to Ukraine. Whether was so actually, it was not succeeded to learn.

Then the director of Izomarinas Adamas Yaskovetsas told that itself those people did not employ, and worked with the Polish company on personnel search. Which, to a portal it was not succeeded to learn too. Therefore it is not clear, can do it there was same GAL BUD or SPEC BUD. Now Yaskovetsas is even more reticent — did not want to tell, what works were performed by Ukrainians in Mega, anybody offended them. "I went to work Inspection on this matter, gave all information. Address there, maybe, receive all information necessary for you" — Yaskovetsas told.

B Lithuania Caritas, to the Red Cross, Inspection of work are perfectly known problems of Ukrainians. Inhabitants voluntary help visitors, sharing food, giving legal help. But the number deceived Ukrainians constantly grows in Lithuania — without knowledge of language, without communication with the house, without money, social protection who can receive food only from the charitable organization. It is very a shame that we become exploiters of our next neighbors".

Yulia Tymoshenko
Last position: People's Deputy (The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine)
Ivanov Sergei
Slyusarchuk Oleg
Kharchenko Alexander
Urbonas Maryus
Main activity:Science and education