The women's soccer team "Kubanochka" continued preparation for a season

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FK "Kubanochka" in March started full preparation for a season. Four players who Russian Federation supported the national team joined team.

Kostareva Helena, Morozova Helena, Sokolova Natalia and Shcherbak Tatyana returned from the international tournament to Portugal.

"Inexpressible emotions. I when learned about it, it seemed to me that it everything not happens to me. Thought: really I will play it? When started playing, the first five minutes were excitement and a shiver. When the first balls caught, everything was normalized" — the sportswoman "Kubanochki" Shcherbak Tatyana commented.

Successful performance of Russians to call difficult. In an asset — only a victory over hostesses of tournament. In games with Canadians and the Swede they suffered defeat. Sokolova Natalia and Shcherbak Tatyana on this trip debuted in a national team.

"On the first collecting, as always, I was the youngest. Excitement was, it is a lot of any thoughts. Here, on the contrary, all found a common language" — Sokolova Natalia told.

the beginner of club tries to find p In "Kubanochke" common language with new partners Morozova Helena. The football player together with team prepares for season start. To it there was a month, is reported on air of Kuban 24 TV channel.

Natalia Sokolov
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (LLC ФК "RUBIN")
Kostareva Helena
Morozova Helena
Shcherbak Tatyana