Through cuts of a shutovsky mask the century ironically looks

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Andrey Barilo as the Duke Orsino in the performance

Barilo Andrey as the Duke Orsino in the performance "Twelfth Night" according to William Shekspir directed by Safonov Pawel. Environment court the Duke — Agapova Veronica, Manyakhina Marina, Kirsanova Arina / RIAs Novosti

on a scene of Theatre of satire gave on March 12 to div "The twelfth night" William Shekspir. Safonov Pawel put the vulgar comedy — a carnival of masks and a kaleidoscope of draws.

I everything, notice, in the spirit of the most William Shekspir who asked to play this play, cheerfully playing the fool. This indulgence consolidated the right of actors "to have a really good time".

Shakespearean "absolution" did not use unless the lazy. The costume designer Panfilova Eugenie created an unprecedented collection of the stylized circus, evening, repersky, prison dresses — the real fashion show.

"Magnificent words of the empty tunes captivating our confused century", were embodied and in scenography Yatsovskis Mariyus, constructed the antique city. Skeleton of an animal on sea pebble, the remains of columns of the temple, torsos of the antique statues, the destroyed amphitheater behind which walls of the modern megalopolis rise. This history, hints us the artist, could occur during any era and in any place. to

of the Peripetia of love of the Duke Orsino (Barilo Andrey) to the beauty Olivia (Ermakov's Yermakova Liane) and the confusion which has happened because of emergence in Illyria of twins of Viola (Tasheva Catherina) and Sebastian (Belyaev Sergei), it is well familiar to fans of theater. What only director's delicacy were not observed by the audience worldwide from the moment of its first statement in 1602! "The twelfth night" was for the first time delivered to Russian Federation.

Certainly, at such "family tree" before the director Safonov Pawel there was a task difficult — to solve performance is unexpected and fresh. That it with success also did! Each of heroes of his statement is comical and is the carrier of the certain defect defining character. So, the countess Olivia (Ermakov's Yermakova Liane) — bright, looking for pleasures "proud cruelty", skillfully uses a mask of inconsolably heart-broken woman. After all black color so to the person and a mourning dress is sewed by it in the latest fashion. Hypocrisy — a board from annoying admirers, and arrogance — well? It is the perpetual motion female machine, not allowing to remain outcast.

Among admirers of the countess — "the growing old child" Andrew Egchik (Kolpakovsky Sergei), allocated equally cowardice and arrogance. Sir Andrew is susceptible to flattery, than the uncle Grafini Ser Belch Tobi (Lagutkin Igor) — the drunkard and the joker which jokes are very cruel perfectly is able to use.

One of the brightest scenes — Malvolio's dream (magnificent Vladimirov Mikhail) who sees itself the big chief in somebody a governmental office. And on a background on tiptoe executes "dance of small swans" a Trinity of his subordinates. Malvio after all so likes to shout, dominate and humiliate!

the Clown Fest performed by brilliant Kassin Oleg — perhaps, the most interesting image. This "leaned back from a zone" the joker — one more social bridge today. Its stylized prisoner hat and the stretched uniform are capable to tell a lot of things about sources of shrill wisdom of the Clown and his love to life! Mighty spiritually as Quasimodo from Notre Dame, it is periodically shaken on a huge pendulum of time as if on an ancient veche bell.

As for the governor of Illyria, the duke Orsino (Barilo Andrey), his image is rather eclectic. Sometimes it reminds the teenage rapper, sometimes wise east lord. Viola could fall in love with the such — fragile, vulnerable and still never loving unless a patsanka.

In general performance surprisingly organically balances with p on a convention side. Masks in it — full-fledged attribute of action, a face of heroes, vulgar mimes, are painted by white paint. And any break of original feelings through cuts of eyes of a mask involuntarily bewitches and causes in memory of the word of Hamlet that "the acting purpose — to hold as though a mirror before the nature, to show virtues her person, and to any eyelid and estate its similarity and a print".

Marina Manyakhina
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater satiry")
Andrey Barilo
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater satiry")
Liane Yermakova
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Moskovsky akademichesky theater satiry")
Igor Lagutkin
Last position: Vice-chairman (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY SBERBANK)