Mladen Ivanich: The global Baku forum proposes solutions of actual problems of the present

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Bosnia and Herzegovina considers Azerbaidjan as the friendly country, and between two countries there were fine political relations.


As are transferred by Day.Az , about it told in exclusive interview " "> to Trend the chairman of Presidium Bosnia and Herzegovina Mladen Ivanich in anticipation of the visit to Baku for participation in the Global Baku forum.

He noted that Azerbaidjan always helped Bosnia and Herzegovina, and expressed extraordinary gratitude for park to Sarajevo which construction was financed by Azerbaidjan, and other projects.

"Now in Kotor Varos the new Center of an emergency medical service is under construction. It is one of the few projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina only for our citizens", - Mladen Ivanich told.

the Head of Presidium also noted that Azerbaidjan invested in two important economic projects in Bosnia and Herzegovina - in Srebrenica where about hundred people, and in construction of plant on processing of fruit and vegetables in Municipality of Doboj who, as expected, will create conditions for additional employment of several hundred people are occupied.

Mladen Ivanich also reported that negotiations with representatives Azerbaidjan concerning construction of the highway of the European Corridor of VC through Bosnia and Herzegovina are conducted today.

About importance "Youzhny of a gas corridor" for ensuring power safety Europe


are one of the key purposes for all European countries, and in this context "The southern gas corridor" is of great importance, Mladen Ivanich told.

"The Ministry of Foreign Trade and the economic relations Bosnia and Herzegovina clearly noted that the country is interested in alternative system of gas supply", - he told.

Mladen Ivanich noted that all countries of the Western Balkans have to take an accurate position on this question.

About prospects of accession Bosnia and Herzegovina to the Great Silk way

As for the project of the Great Silk way, Bosnia and Herzegovina is interested in modernization of the railroad of Sarajevo-Belgrad, Mladen Ivanich told.

"Thus it will be connected by p to the railroad Belgrad-Budapest which modernization already began", - the head of Presidium told.

It also reminded that Bosnia and Herzegovina plays an important role in the Croatian port of Ploche which can be a good place for export of goods from Far East to Europe.

"We are interested in p in good transport communications with other Europe, and any similar initiative of the project is accepted", - Mladen Ivanich told.

About prospects of development of economic cooperation with Azerbaidjan

the Fine bilateral relations between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Azerbaidjan opened space for the best economic and business cooperation, Mladen Ivanich told.

At the same time trade between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Azerbaidjan, according to him, is limited to p and epizodichna because of remoteness, geostrategic situation and absence of the agreement on trade and economic cooperation.

"There is a potential for trade cooperation with Azerbaidjan, especially in mechanical engineering, the electrotechnical industry, power, construction and ", - Mladen Ivanich told.

According to him, present contacts Azerbaidjan showed the interest to in the sphere of tourism, infrastructure, the power (hydropower), food, woodworking and . Besides, by words Mladen Ivanich, Azerbaidjan are interested in investment in oil refineries, oil terminals and pipelines in Southeast Europe.

"Already signed the memorandum of understanding between the Foreign trade chamber Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Azerbaijani fund of encouragement of export and investments (AZPROMO), and on its base successful cooperation in the organization of business forums" was reached, - Mladen Ivanich told.

He reported that there were direct contacts between officials Bosnia and Herzegovina and Azerbaidjan during which activity for the forthcoming period which can lead to increase in economic cooperation between two countries was discussed.

"the Ambassador Azerbaidjan has to visit Bosnia and Herzegovina to study possibility of the organization of a bilateral business forum in 2017", - Mladen Ivanich told. by

According to him, also it was declared search of opportunities for establishment of air traffic and cooperation on construction of the Corridor of VC.

"Therefore we expect the answer Azerbaidjan as country which will be the focus of attention of the Sarajevo business forum this year", - Mladen Ivanich told.

About a position Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict

Bosnia and Herzegovina supports the activity carried out at multilateral level directed on a solution of the problem of Nagorno-Karabakh, and also activity of the Minsk group of OSCE and supports a position Azerbaidjan in questions of the sovereignty and territorial integrity, Mladen Ivanich told.

It reminded that in January, 2013 the House of Representatives of Parliamentary assembly, and in February, 2013 Chamber of the people (upper house) of Parliamentary assembly Bosnia and Herzegovina Azerbaidjan which got big approval and positive reaction in Azerbaidjan adopted the resolution on respect and support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity.


About the Global Baku forum

"A global Baku forum - one of the most important global forums such", - were told by Mladen Ivanich.

According to him, this forum unites the prominent politicians acting and the former presidents, prime ministers, ministers and dear intellectuals from all over the world.

"The main subjects of a forum are really global and actual for all modern world. Offers and decisions which move forward during discussions, will allow to answer calls which in the future the modern world" will face, - Mladen Ivanich told.

He noted that always tries to take part in work of the Global Baku forum.