Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev congratulated the opera singer Sotkilava Zurab on the 80 anniversary

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: Istochnik

<" 0"> Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev congratulated the Russian opera singer, the teacher, the national actor of the USSR Sotkilava Zurab on the 80 anniversary." You know as the bright, talented actor and by right consider as an original star of the domestic and world opera" — it is spoken in the congratulatory telegram published on Sunday on a site of the Kremlin .

"Unique vocal skills, persistent work and, of course, inimitable artistic temperament and charm allowed you to achieve success, to win the highest professional recognition and love of public", - is spoken in the telegram of the president. Vladimir Putin also noted unique vocal skills, persistent work, inimitable artistic temperament and charm Sotkilava Zurab who, in his opinion, allowed the singer to achieve success to win the highest professional recognition and love of public. Besides, the president noted many-sided teaching, tutorial and educational activity of the singer, and also sincere care of preservation of legendary traditions of musical and performing art. The president wished to the singer of health, inspiration and all the best.

"From the very first performances on a scene of the Bolshoi theater you won huge love of the audience, won their hearts deep and emotional execution, masterly equipment, ability to transfer a plan of great composers, to open character of heroes. You created the whole palette of bright images in operas "Othello", "Carmen", "Troubadour", "Melancholy", "Aida", "Masquerade" which became the real vocal masterpieces", - is spoken in Dmitry Medvedev, placed on a government site . The prime minister noted professional execution by the singer of the Russian and Georgian national songs, Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov's romances. "Thanks to your pedagogical talent there was a new generation of brilliant singers. Many of them became the real stars, won sincere love of the audience", – Dmitry Medvedev emphasized.

Sotkilava Zurab was born p in Sukhumi (Abkhazia) in 1937. After the termination of Tbilisi state conservatory of Vano Saradzhishvili became the soloist of the Georgian opera and ballet theater of Paliashvili (1965-1974), the Bolshoi theater (1974 - as N of century), acted at opera theaters "La Scala" (Milan; 1966-1968) "Kovent-Garden" (London), "Zemper's Opera" (Dresden) .