… And over a scene the Swallow flew up. The opera festival in the Bolshoi theater was opened by great Puccini

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In concert execution at the Opera Art festival will sound the opera

In concert execution at the Opera Art festival will sound the opera "Swallow" of the opera of Puccini and "Troubadour" Verdi

Foto: Shakhidzhanyan Sergei, newspaper "Vechernyaya Moskva"

in the Big hall of conservatory started on March 7 the Second international musical Opera Art festival.

the Festival was born div from idea Alieva Dinara, soloists of the Bolshoi theater to invite friends from different corners of the world to appear on the best academic concert stage of the capital.

Alieva Dinara in Big already are a lot of years. She is the Honored actress Azerbaidjan, the winner of prestigious international competitions. To whom as not it, to expand capital opera repertoire and to bring author's vision in any statement.
the Italian colleagues of the soloist of Vincenzo Constanzo and Dzhovannini Andrea.

By the way, Puccini's "Swallow" - not so rare work. Statement became an event of a season 2014-2015 German operas in Berlin. Now it is possible to take pleasure in performance and in Moscow.

the singer considers the festival as unique opportunity to present rare music to the Russian public

- In what the unusual force of influence of great operas consists? – speaks Alieva Dinara, - To me and my adherents the answer to this question is obvious: the main thing in the opera – music. And the most effective opportunity to feel all paints of a musical palette – to address to concert performances of operas.

Some separate moments of "Swallow", such as Magda's aria, differ unusual melody, and enter into repertoire of world stars.

In concert execution at the Opera Art festival besides Puccini's opera "Troubadour" Verdi (on April 6) also will sound. Both statements are quite seldom put on scenes of domestic theaters, and opportunity to hear them entirely, undoubtedly, is advantage of the program of a festival.

Andrea Dzhovannini
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating
Shakhidzhanyan Sergei
Yasakova Catherina
Alieva Dinara