The snowboarder Zavarzina Alena bypassed competitors in the World Cup

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Zavarzina Alena the Snowboarder Zavarzina Alena bypassed competitors in the World Cup
won the Small crystal globe in parallel giant slalom.

the Final stage of the World Cup passed in the Turkish town Province of Kayseri. Zavarzina Alena finished on the sixth position, however on total amount of points our sportswoman became the program best in this look. Strong Kummer Patritsiya from Switzerland, the third - Czech Esther Ledetskaya became the second in the overall ranking.


men the owner of the globe had a Bulgarian Yankov Radoslaw. Ours Sobolev Andrey, passed some World Cup stages because of a trauma, gathered 1160 points in this discipline and became the 15th in the overall ranking.

Now athletes received p some days on a respite and will go to Spain where from March 14 to March 15 will pass the World Cup.

Besides Zavarzina Alena whom call one of pretenders to "gold", on a world championship as a part of national team will go:

Parallel slalom and parallel giant slalom - Uayld Vik, Sobolev Andrey, Loginov Dimitri, Sarsembaev Dimitri, Kolegov Valery, Tudegesheva Catherina, Soboleva Natalia, Khatomchenkova Catherina, Salikhova Elizabeth;

Snowboard cross - Olyunin Nicholas, Dilman Daniil, Anisimov Andrey, Guzachev Alexander, Paul Christina, Lapteva Julia, Vasiltsova Maria;

Slopestyle and big-Eyre - Khadarin Wladyslaw, Mamaev Anton, Matveev Mikhail, Fedorova Sophia, Kostenko Helena, Zhukova Anastasia;

Halfpipe: Avtaneev Nikita, Suykov Maxime.