In Big Drama Theatre Shtil Georgy celebrated anniversary

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to the National actor of Russian Federation to Shtil Georgy, to the patriarch of a scene of BDT named after G. A. Tovstonogova, was executed 85 years. The actor played a premiere which the correspondent of "RG" visited birthday.

Small scene of Big Drama Theatre. The performance "Luxembourg Garden" according to the play "Second Law Yankelevich Dzhaga" of Alexander and Shargorodsky Leo Shargorodsky. These are the Leningrad playwrights who have emigrated from the USSR in 1979, members of the International PEN club, authors more than 500 stories and stories. (By the way, Shargorodsky Leo, living in Geneva, sent to Shtil Georgy the congratulatory telegram).

the Main character of the lyrical comedy - the lonely emigrant Yankelevich Dzhaga, after departure from the USSR living in Paris, gets involved in almost detective unpleasant incident. According to the announcement in the newspaper it employs the bodyguard Yankelevich Dzhaga (the young actor Nasyrov Rustam) …

is invited by p To statement the young director Petrov Artem. It is his debut on Big Drama Theatre scene. Last year Petrov Artem let out the performance "DreamWorks" according to the play Vyrypaev Yvan at Komedianty theater.

- For me to work as p with such master as Shtil Georgy the great happiness. In the childhood I very much liked his captain Romadin in the movie" Chudakov Eugenie, Chudakov Eugenie and "katyusha". Antonovich Georgy not simply live legend and the remarkable actor, but also the unique person - very kind and open. Not once during rehearsals heart missed a bit at all when we saw how it is dashing Shtil Georgy vsprygivayet on scenery. Its cheerfulness and enthusiasm for a role inspired all. Work with Antonovich Georgy is a tremendous adventure. And it is not ended - performance will grow, develop still, - Petrov Artem shared.

Adashevskaya Marina, Basilashvili Oleg, Shtil Georgy call "the last of Mohicans": in Big Drama Theatre troupe these actors work most long. Last year 55 years as Shtil Georgy serves in Bolshoi Drama Theater were executed. Tovstonogov accepted it in troupe in 1961, after the termination of the Leningrad theatrical institute on Moss, and borrowed in many statements. Shtil Georgy played in performances which call now legendary, theater classics:" Woe from Wit ", " three sisters", "Petty bourgeoises", "Hanuma", "Auditor", "History of a horse", "Summer residents", "Tarelkin's Death", "Pikviksky club" …

He studied p at Time Elizabeth , it is one of the best theatrical teachers of Russian Federation, it trained in acting the ingenious ballerina Ulanova Galina, and at Gorbachev Igor, the national actor of the USSR, the head of Aleksandrinsky theater.

B 2016 Shtil Georgy published the book "I have all roles - main! ", where told about actors, singers, artists, about Big Drama Theatre legends, tours, about Tovstonogov." I am going to write one more - so many memoirs still! Something missed. The more long you live, the it is more than memoirs. Not about itself! About actors, about the abroad - we after all went much, I visited 60 countries! The main thing that it was interesting to the person reading the book", - Antonovich Georgy in interview to the correspondent of "RG" told.

Today the actor is occupied with p in performances Moguchy Andrey "Alice", "What to do", "Governor", directed by the Moscow director Ryzhakov Victor "War and peace of Tolstoy". There is a premiere "The Luxembourg garden". At On Foundry Theatre Shtil Georgy plays some years in performance according to Ostrovsky's play "Wood" - the Carp, Gurmyzhskaya's footman. There are enterprises: the comedy "the Operation "Divorce", at Alecko theater - the performance "Execute It Is Impossible to Pardon". Constantly pass its creative evenings.

It played more than 200 roles cinema! Acted at Kheyfits Joseph which is ranked long ago as classics of our cinema, and in remarkable fairy tales Kosheverova Nadezhda … "The serf actress", "Chudakov Eugenie, Chudakov Eugenie and "katyusha", "Masha's New Year's adventures and Ryzhakov Victor", "Intervention", Dauriya" - these movies on a TV screen is constant. Where there arrived Shtil Georgy, everywhere it is learned not only people of the senior generation, but also youth - thanks to the fallen in love television roles of "Kefirycha" from "Streets of the broken lamps" and the father-in-law Rogov Vasilii in series "Destructive power".

For anniversary evening colleagues Shtil Georgy - Freyndlikh Alisa, Basilashvili Oleg, Usatova Nina, Ivchenko Valery, Chudakov Eugenie, Solyakov Eugenie, Losev Sergei, the art director of Big Drama Theatre Kochergin Edouard and troupe youth came. Among guests friends - Krasko Yvan (in Big Drama Theatre troupe he arrived together with Shtil Georgy in 1961, but soon passed into Komissarzhevka), heads of LOMO (staff of theater and the optical-mechanical enterprise are on friendly terms more than half a century).

Many tried to seat the hero of the anniversary in a chair. "No, I still will stand!" - heroically he said, and all congratulations accepted standing. The art director of theater Moguchy Andrey read congratulatory telegrams from Dmitry Medvedev, Valentina Matviyenko. Representatives City administration, Legislative assembly of Saint Petersburg came to anniversary. to Shtil Georgy handed over the medal "For Merits in front of Saint Petersburg". - I Will tell p to

shortly: live cheerfully and be happy (as in our performance), - the hero of the anniversary told guests.

A on a banquet it said a toast in honor of the young partners in "The Luxembourg garden":

- Remarkable children at our theater, talented! So we have all ahead!

Direct speech

Moguchy Andrey, art director of BDT named after G. A. Tovstonogova:

- Shtil Georgy - the unique person. The highest professionalism, enormous experience, universality, ability to work practically in any theatrical genre, human modesty, surprising love to people, ability all the roles to do ability to listen, hear and offer, as main (and its autobiographical book is called). It is always felt that it can much more, than "gives out on the mountain", but in it and the class, skill consists - to do not that can, and that is necessary for theater, performance. From it is perfection of its bit parts. To play talent in team on that site and with those tasks which performance demands from it. This discipline, probably, from sports to which he devoted huge part of the life. He is the greatest halfback, the defender, the goalkeeper - if to use soccer terminology. He is the reliable partner, the friend, the companion and almost already the relative. "Uncle Zhora" - so calls at theater Antonovich Georgy youth. And in the 85th uncle Antonovich Georgy it is so mobile, witty, hazardous in the game that you keep up with it not always.

To the word

the Official premiere of the performance "Luxembourg Garden" is appointed by p to March 31.

In the foyer of the Small scene of Big Drama Theatre the photo exhibition" Shtil Georgy on a scene and at cinema" opened.

Dmitry Medvedev
Last position: Vice-chairman (Security Council of the Russian Federation)
Georgy Antonovich Shtil
Last position: Actor (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Oleg Basilashvili
Last position: Actor (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Alisa Freyndlikh
Last position: Actress (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)