The prime minister Zheenbekov S. met the chairman of the Tokyo Rope MFG Co company. Ltd Tanaka Sh.

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The prime minister S. Zheenbekov met the chairman of the Tokyo Rope MFG Co company. Ltd Sh. Tanaka — Tazabek

of Tazabek - The prime minister Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Zheenbekov met the chairman of the Tokyo Rope MFG Co company. Ltd Shigeto Tanaka, were reported on March 4 by the government press service.

Kyrgyzstan gives importance to development of the bilateral relations with Japan, the prime minister told.

"We are interested in p in attraction of direct investments from Japan and aimed at activization of economic cooperation between our countries. Besides, in Kyrgyzstan all conditions for business with the foreign capital" are created, - the prime minister told.


Tanaka Sh. informed p that his arrival to Kyrgyzstan are results of negotiations with embassy Kyrgyzstan to Japan following the results of which the company intends to intensify economic cooperation, having opened construction company and in the future to construct plant on production of metal products in Kyrgyzstan.

"We are interested in p in attraction of direct investments from Japan and aimed at development of economic cooperation between two states", - Zheenbekov S. told.

Tanaka Sh. added that within implementation of the Program for advance on the foreign markets the Tokyo Rope MFG Co company. Ltd realizes large projects on ensuring complex safety of infrastructure objects to Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Kazakhstan, Georgia and other countries.


According to him, at an initial stage the company intends to train experts, highly skilled engineers, miners who will take part further in the international projects of the company.

At the same time, it informed that between the Tokyo Rope MFG Co company. Ltd and the State agency on advance of investments of export at the Ministry of Economics of KR signing of the Memorandum of understanding took place.