On March 13 in "RG" there will take place a press conference "80 years to Rasputina Valentina"

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on March 13 (Monday) at 13:00 in the media center "Russian newspaper" will take place a press conference "80 years to Rasputina Valentina. To memory of the writer it is devoted" where will tell about events which will take place in anniversary year.

to Rasputin Valentine would execute on March 15, 2017 80 years. Memory - the most important of lessons Rasputin Valentine . Unconsciousness - a grave sin. At each of us the Matyora to which we said goodbye in due time but which are obliged to remember - sincerely not to harden. Lessons of the writer should not be forgotten.

At a press conference will be told about work on preservation of memory of Rasputin Valentine and about anniversary actions of 2017. The most important of them become - opening of the museum of the writer on his homeland, in Irkutsk, and solemn evening on March 22 in Pashkov's House in Moscow. Also projects of works on updating of creativity Rasputin Valentine will be submitted.

In a press conference will participate:

- Vladimir Ilyich Tolstoy , the Adviser President of the Russian Federation on culture;
- the Tank Petrovich Dimitri , the director of the State Literary Museum;
- Balashov Eugenie Borisovich , the vice-chairman of Government of Irkutsk region - the head of representation of Government of Irkutsk region.

Rasputin Valentine (15.03.1937 - 14.03.2015) - prose writer, publicist and public figure, author of the well-known works "Farewell to Matyora", "Live and Remember", "French Lessons", etc. One of the brightest representatives of "rural prose" along with Astafyev Victor and Shukshin Vasilii. The writer - the winner of a set of the Russian and international literary awards, including the Awards "Yasnaya Polyana", awards "The best foreign novel of year. The XXI century" (China), awards of Alexander Solzhenitsyn, of L.N. Tolstoy, an award President of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art, an award of Government of the Russian Federation for outstanding merits in the field of culture.