Institute Europe: On elections French can forgive to Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon his sins

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Institute of Europe: On elections French can forgive to Fillon his sins
: Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon///Kalashnikova Irina

the Political scientist declared to RIA Novosti news agency the NSN that 30% of French at any deal will vote at presidential election for Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon.

of 25% of French Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon in the decision to continue pre-election fight supported the decision of the candidate for president of the country. Opinion poll which was carried out on the Internet showed such results. Thus more than a half of respondents considered that Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon will not be able to win a victory in a voting process (47% of respondents consider such result of obvious, another 36% - probable), reports RMC.

Survey was conducted by p after the candidate for president confirmed a call on interrogation on business which can turn back charge of waste of public funds. In turn, Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon insists on the innocence.

the Leading researcher of Institute Europe the Russian Academy of Sciences, the expert on France Fedorov Sergei declared NSN that at Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon still there is a chance to pass in the second round of elections.

"Those exposures which left in the campaign untied against Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon, his families, considerably undermined its rating. It built the campaign that he is the perfect candidate who is not involved in any financial swindles and scandals therefore all publications which were directed against it, undermined his main argument. Because of this disappointment over 60-70% of French believe that it could withdraw the candidacy. Nevertheless there are 30% which at any deals will vote for it. And it can be enough to pass in the second round", - the expert shared with NSN .

by words Fedorov Sergei, replacement Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon other candidate is at present inexpedient.

"To change horses in midstream already late. It will lead to negative result. Whoever now French put as substitute Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon, it is in advance chanceless option therefore replacement is inexpedient. There is a hope that voters will forgive sins Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon and will vote not under the influence of emotions, and intelligently as it is the most serious candidate with a wide experience of work on all posts, except presidential", - Fedorov Sergei concluded in conversation with NSN .

knew Earlier that the "Union of Democrats and Independent" party made the decision to suspend support Francois Sharl Arman Fiyon. Next week this question will be discussed at meeting of bureau of party where the final decision will be made. The leader told Jeanne about it "The union of democrats and independent" - Lagard Christophe.