Capital building resumed on Lermontov Street

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V Sevastopol construction of the multi-storey building down the street Lermontova, 1 was resumed. For many years inhabitants of the nearby yards struggle with contractors. Once to people promised reconstruction of the old two-storeyed house and safety of a playground. But everything poured out in capital construction and public protests. Citizens many times managed to stop works, but building was started over again and again.

the Last time construction of a skyscraper was frozen by p in 2015. Then under the guise of preservation of works the contractor expelled three floors. For many years the construction company changed not once, and plans were declared the most different. All began with the project of reconstruction of the old two-storeyed building down the street Lermontova 1 which poured out subsequently in large-scale building of a multiroom housing estate.

"The earth was provided by p to the builder for reconstruction. Buildings were demolished, so, other documents are necessary. Gradostroitelno is a historical center, it is the city hill. Separate requirements are imposed to building. I carried out the town-planning analysis in 2014 – the building of such size on this site cannot be. It contradicts a town-planning context", – Gladkov Alexander, the member of town-planning council at GOVERNMENT SEVASTOPOL told.

City council – body recommendatory, it can give the characteristic to the project, but resolve or forbid construction – no. Inhabitants of nearby houses complain that them simply deceived. Earlier on a site there was also a playground overlooking a bay, and contractors promised it to keep.

"But now the playground is not present p. And on this place there will be a multystoried building. Existence not streets, and corridor. Inhabitants will look out of the windows. Here already similar "miracle" which darkens houses is near, and their inhabitants fight against dampness. The yards the sun do not get warm. It both diseases, and dampness, and destructions of cellars of buildings. The whole series of a negative", – Dubinovsky Sergei, the inhabitant of the house No. 2 down the street marked out Lermontov.

Inhabitants of nearby houses now prepare the collective address of the acting the governor Sevastopol for Dimitri Ovsyannikov with a request to understand a situation. And SOYUZ ARKHITEKTOROV SEVASTOPOL already sent inquiry to Department of property and land relations.

"The answer we yet did not receive p, but the contents there the such: our claims to the contractor are proved, and of department assured that will appeal to court. Our statement is proved, and there are bases for an appeal to the court. They intend to do it", – Gladkov Alexander told.

In the neighbourhood with the new inhabited massif. According to inhabitants of nearby houses, works were resumed just a month ago. During this time builders managed to deliver fittings and to begin its binding. There is a preparation for construction of the next portion of floors which will close a view of the city hill, and to inhabitants of streets of Lermontov and Mokrousov – a view of a bay and considerably will increase an ottenyaemost of the neighboring yards.

Istochnik : NTS
Dimitri Ovsyannikov
Main activity:Official
Gladkov Alexander
Dubinovsky Sergei
Main activity:Culture and sports
Department of property and land relations