Donald Trump frighten of a nightmare

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the Democratic party of United States of America chose to itself as the leader "the second Obama". Meanwhile the ex-president to leave from a political scene does not hurry.

Peres Thomas became the chairman of national committee of Democratic party of United States of America. © the Photo from a site

the Democratic party of United States of America is now in deep crisis and in not less deep opposition. She dullly lost recent presidential election, moreover, both parts of the Congress (The House of Representatives and the Senate) are controlled by republicans. In fight for the future the party "lawyers and emigrants" can count only on the third branch of the power — judicial. There positions of supporters of democrats are rather strong, as cancellation by court of the presidential decree of Donald Trump about migration restriction showed, for example.

In this sense election as democrats as the party leader Peres Tom look quite logical. He answers all necessary criteria. First, he is a lawyer, the former assistant to the general prosecutor of United States of America, that is not simply member of one of the most influential professional communities in America, but also the person who is well familiar with intrigues of judicial authority as institute. Secondly, he is the son of the emigrant, the first leader of democrats of the Latin American origin, that is on an ethnonational sign belongs to the most perspective from the electoral point of view to a community to United States of America.

In addition, the Latin American origin turns it at once into Donald Trump who builds a wall on border with Mexico and, arguing on threats to America, presses now on the Latin American community. Thus legal education does Peres Thomas by the natural successor of the ex-president Barack Obama. However, as much as successor of the ex-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

the Last — a serious minus as the Democratic party lost elections of the head of state, first of all, because of incredibly high anti-rating of the former first lady. Not without reason after election the president Donald Trump in "twitter" accused Peres Thomas. And republicans will repeat for certain this stamp, leaving from more logical statement that actually Peres Thomas acts as the conductor of ideas Barack Obama.

the Former President of the United States of America, by the way, actively shows to p unwillingness to leave policy. In the last public statement Barack Obama devoted the separate section to reasonings on doubtfulness of idea of obligatory regular change of the power.

Donald Trump, in turn, lays blame for all the present troubles on the predecessor. In particular, it touched upon a subject of leaks which happened for the first month of its work in the White house. "Never you know what exactly occurs behind the scenes. Know, it is possible to guess or assume, but precisely you do not know never" — Donald Trump in the usual confused manner similar to remarks of the late Russian prime minister Chernomyrdin Victor told about it.

Then Donald Trump advanced to the open attack: "I think that the president Barack Obama stands behind it because his people precisely stand behind it. And some leaks, probably, arrived from this group that is very serious because it is very bad from the point of view of national security. But I also understand that it is policy. That it stands behind it — is policy. And it probably will proceed".

I here with Donald Trump, what he meant, it is necessary to agree — "it", that is counteraction from the democrats enjoying broad public support in divided by results of elections the American society, will surely proceed. The same Peres Tom who obviously counts not only in words, but also in practice in three and a half years to become "the second Obama" and to be overcome for presidency, already promised in "twitter" to become "nightmare" for Donald Trump.

the Situation when legislative and executive power are controlled by republicans, and democrats can lean only on courts, to United States of America already happened. And it can quite end with an opposition victory if, of course, the lawyer the Latin American Peres Thomas is able to hear not only nuclear audience of Democratic party in big cities and emigrant suburbs, but also inhabitants of averages and the small cities who in 2016 and elected the president clear and pleasant to them.

Ivan Preobrazhensky

Donald Trump
Main activity:Businessman
Hillary Clinton (Hillary Clinton)
Last position: Rector (University Queens in Belfast)
Thomas Edward Peres
Last position: Chairman of National committee (Democratic party United States of America)
Barack Obama
Main activity:Politician
Victor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin
Main activity:Businessman
Democratic party United States of America
Political ideology:Либерализм, прогрессивизм, социал-либерализм.