On finger-tips. To look – it is obligatory!

@Vechernjaja Moskva
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The new documentary film on the First channel will tell about the girl with a rare illness the New documentary film on the First channel will tell

about the girl with a rare illness "bullezny epidermoliz" .

Foto: www.sxc.hu

in the Evening on February 28, 2017 is one business which in any way should be made. Surely watch on the First channel the movie "On Finger-tips" Urzhanova Alexander, Roman Super and Nurmamed Sergei - it will show right after "Evening Urgant". Simply look, and all. Probably, for you it even is more important, than for the wonderful, tremendous heroine of a tape.

Why? Because it, Kuznetsova Nadezhda, is similar to the sun, and long ago learned to live, without taking offense at life. And we that a sin to conceal, quite often we complain of life, quite often consider ourselves unfortunate, we like to ache. Having learned history Kuznetsova Nadezhda, you are surprised to what unprecedented strength of mind people exist, and still - are terrified the weakness and at a lot of things start looking differently. On itself – including. Sometimes it is very useful.

there is something symbolical that show the movie at night with which the winter comes to an end. The spring is always something new, these are imaginations and hopes. And at Kuznetsova Nadezhda hope – both a name, and life. Yes, it surprising, Kuznetsova Nadezhda … Because it is more difficult for it, than to million people, but she smiles more brightly and is lighter than many.

She quietly lived only the first day of the life. Then … Then on a body there was one speck, then – the second and the third … Nobody knows why at million people genes do not glitch, and in the Nadiny case failure happened. Rare illness – bullezny epidermoliz – call "a syndrome of a butterfly". At this disease skin is injured at the slightest touch. The rare illness is shown right after the birth and pursues the child during all life. It cannot be revealed beforehand, as well as to prevent illness emergence. Skin at this disease is so gentle that reminds wings of a butterfly – from here and the name …

I of all 28 Nadiny years is a history of fight and belief. Kuznetsova Nadezhda know that the illness is incurable, and for a long time does not fight, and lives with it, having adapted under special circumstances. She says that to die is it would be too boring. And she chose life …

Now Nadina forces are directed to conducting life of the ordinary person. Many did not believe that it is possible to win this situation. Kuznetsova Nadezhda trusted. Also won.

the Smiling, clever, dark-eyed girl lives in Nizhny Novgorod. Here she studied at school, here graduated also from the university. She dreams to visit the sea and to return herself fingers and smiles a smile of an angel. The movie already showed in Cannes, it received the Grand Prix in New York and a prize of spectator sympathies at the Movement festival where Kuznetsova Nadezhda won a prize for Best Actress. Only what business – she did not play. It was and remained itself – the girl butterfly who did not want to leave this earth.

Yes, if you watch the movie, it will be pleasant both a film crew, and Kuznetsova Nadezhda. But we seldom, alas, do something for others … Watch the movie – for itself. It is worth it. You will not regret. We will be glad if you look at it on the First channel at 00:10, right after "Evening Urgant".
