Improvement of Belgorod: creation of new recreational zones in 2017

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Heads of committees on management Western and East districts told about results of design activity which reached last year, and sounded plans for year current.

last year in Belgorod realized nearly 20 projects.

One of them concerned elimination from city streets of the thrown transport. In total 235 such cars were removed: 134 – in Zapadny administrativny okrug and 101 – in East.

One more significant project – the equipped square on crossing of streets of the Prince Trubetskoy and Narodny Boulevard. There on 600 m 2 were landed by bushes and established park benches.

In plans for the current year – eight projects in East and nine projects in Western districts. According to the city hall press service, gardening of residential districts IZhS will be continued, on the bank of the Seversky Donets and Vezelki there will be recreational zones, will be arranged well Korochanskaya Street and Volchanskaya.

the Head of administration of Belgorod Polezhaev Konstantin charged p to heads of committees on management of districts to develop the project on arrangement of the garage massifs, including arrangement of entrances, protections, and targeting of a sanitary order.