Buyers of "the Park River" live in the area with the best ecology

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ZhK of ZhK "The river Parka

According to a rating of the independent expert company EcoStandard group – the leader in the sphere of environmental monitoring and examination Russian Federation – Nagatinsky Zaton District entered the three of the Moscow areas with the best ecology. The largest project in its territory – city quarter comfort class "the River Park" where on a site of 29 hectares about 280 thousand sq.m will be constructed. The partner in his realization – the company " Metrium Group " .

For definition of locations with the best ecological situation all areas were analysed by p on several indicators, among which existence/lack of industrial zones, objects of fuel and energy complex, stations of gas station, the area of water objects and green plantings, and also level of impurity of air, the soil. Nagatinsky Zaton District was beaten out in leaders on extent of gardening – more than 45% of its territory are occupied with green plantings. Among the largest recreation areas – the memorial estate "Kolomna" and Nagatinsky Floodplain park. Experts noted also that in the area concentration of such harmful substances, as carbon oxide, nitrogen oxide, oxide of sulfur and hydrogen sulfide is not exceeded.

"At an apartment choice clients always ask p about transport availability, infrastructure but very few people are interested in an ecological situation of the area, – Shvetsova Larissa, the director general of the JSC River Park company LLC "RIVER PARK" notes . – However the last years clients even more often learn about existence nearby parks and reservoirs. I think, it is connected with active building of the former industrial zones on which place there are new modern housing estates on hundreds thousands square meters of housing. Certainly, buyers ask, whether the builder carries out ecological researches and soil recultivation. Thus, in spite of the fact that while on level of ecological education we lag behind the countries Europe, it is obvious that the situation changes and even more often clients reflect not simply on standard characteristics of housing, but also indirect which influence health and as a result, quality of life".

"According to various researches Moscow is included in the first twenty of the world capitals with an adverse ecological situation, – Maria Litinetskaya , the managing partner "Metrium Group" tells Litinetskaya Maria is located some recreational zones. Secondly, through the area there passes only one large highway - Andropovsky Avenue. It is not surprising that Nagatinsky Zaton District was included in the list of the best from the point of view of an ecological situation".