Farewell to the actress Karpinskaya Svetlana will take place on February 22 - At 10:30

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Farewell to the actress Karpinskaya Svetlana will take place in Saint Petersburg on February 22. About it reported on Monday at the Petersburg state Academic comedy theater of N. P. Akimov. By data "local news portal "Sankt-Peterburg.ru"", farewell will begin at theater at 10:30. Burial service and funeral will take place at 12:00 on Smolensk a cemetery. Let's remind, Karpinskaya Svetlana played a leading role in a picture Ryazanov Eldar 1957 "The girl without address". In total she acted in more than 20 movies and 50 performances. The actress died on February 19. She was 79 years old...