In Brazil 400 thousand inhabitants suffer from a lack of water

@IA "Svopi" (SVOPI.RU)
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In Campina Grande (State of Paraiba) more than 400 thousand inhabitants suffer from a lack of water. Weather forecasters recorded that the drought this year is the strongest for the last 30 years.

In Brazil 400 thousand inhabitants suffer from a lack of water

In all territory of Brazil rather large amount of rains drops out. However in a strip along the river to San Francis to State of Minas Gerais them drops out a little – about 500 mm. This year the northeast of Brazil faced total absence of a precipitation.

the Reservoir feeding the region, was drained. The water level makes 4%. It is possible to solve a problem, for this purpose it is necessary to redirect the bed of the largest river of the region San Francisca to droughty agricultural areas. Local authorities are engaged in the solution of this problem.

Syutkina Anastasia