In Ufa will pass a memorial evening of the national poet Republic of Bashkortostan Garipov Ramy

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Ufa, 17 Feb, 2017. /IA "Bashinform", Aralbaeva Leila/.

B Ufa there will pass a memorial evening of the national poet Republic of Bashkortostan Garipov Ramy. On February 27 in the House of the actor fans of poetry will gather for the evening devoted to 85-year anniversary of the Bashkir classic. According to the organizer and the director of action Utyashev Khurmatulla, the initiative of carrying out evening belongs to children of the poet — the known Bashkir artist, the teacher of the Bashkir art gymnasium No. 2 Garipov Azamat and to the musician, the teacher Garipova Gulnar. The scriptwriter — Burakaeva Zukhra.

At evening national poets Republic of Bashkortostan Ravil Bikbay and Kadim Aralbay will act. National songs will be heard performed by kuraist, national actors of RB Aitkulov Azat and Yuldashev Robert, singers Mazitova's Mazitova Aida. Songs on verses will execute Garipov Ramy, the honored artist of RB Ziganshin Azat, the bard and the actor Kabirov Arthur, Khanov Aygiz with ethno - Yatagan group, Galsar Bayguskarova. In the program of evening also performance ethno - rock groups "Argymak".


Verses of the poet will be read by actors of the Bashkir theater of M. Gafuri — the national actress of the USSR Mubaryakov Gyulli, the national actress of RB Khakimova Svetlana, Garipov Firgat, Khaysarov Ruslan and pupils of the Bashkir republican gymnasium boarding school No. 1 of R. Garipov. Evening will be spent by national actors of RB Buranbaev Sar and Utyashev Khurmatulla.

In the foyer the audience will be able to examine stands of the Literary museum and National library of. A.-Z. Validi, devoted to life and creativity Garipov Ramy. Sale of the new poetic collection of the poet and diaries of school years will be organized.

Evening will pass under the auspices of the Union of theatrical figures Republic of Bashkortostan.

Leila Aralbaeva
Sarah Buranbaeva
Main activity:Cultural worker
Svetlana Khakimov
Last position: Actress, singer
Garipov Ramy