In colonies Magadan region areas will develop business activity

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Today, 16:17
. information agency "Kolyma-inform". The chief of UFSIN Russian Federation on Magadan region areas the colonel of internal service Starikov Eugenie and the chairman of the Magadan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union Lipinsky Aleksey concluded the cooperation agreement and joint activity. About it reported information agency "Kolyma-inform" in UFSIN Russian Federation on Magadan region to area.

the Main goal of the agreement – informing of business community of the region on possibility of placement of own production in territories of correctional facilities, and also placements of orders for production of finished goods. Expansion of production will help to involve bigger quantity of the condemned. Today in the Magadan colonies some businessmen conduct production, providing employment to about 30% condemned.

But it is far not a limit - the enterprises of criminal and executive system of the region have capacities on metallo-and to a woodworking, sewing production and agriculture, and also possess a large number of rooms for production placement. In Management plan that as a result of joint activity within the agreement work will provide about 70% condemned. the Chief of UFSIN Russian Federation on Magadan region areas Starikov Eugenie noted

: "Increase in quantity of workplaces for the condemned – mutually advantageous process. The area receives growth of outputs from the local software producer to the favorable prices. Condemned will be able to receive demanded professions which will help them to find a job after an exit to freedom, and also by means of a salary they repay claims and the alimony. We, in turn, will petition for receiving a conditional early release positively being characterized condemned, attracted to labor process".

In end of a meeting of the party discussed business options on the basis of correctional facilities of Kolyma. by
In colonies of the Magadan region will develop business activity